Today's Annual General Meeting adopted that there shall be eight board members and to elect Bodil Eriksson and Peter Norman and to re-elected Ulrika Francke, Göran Hedman, Lars Idermark, Pia Rudengren, Karl-Henrik Sundström and Siv Svensson. The Annual General Meeting elected Lars Idermark as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Ulrika Francke was elected Deputy Chair at the Board of Directors' statutory meeting held directly after the Annual General Meeting. The statutory meeting also decided that the Risk and Capital Committee shall consist of Göran Hedman, Chair, Lars Idermark, Ulrika Francke, Pia Rudengren and Peter Norman. The Audit Committee shall consist of Siv Svensson, Chair, Ulrika Francke, Karl-Henrik Sundström and Peter Norman. The Remuneration Committee shall consist of Lars Idermark, Chair, Ulrika Francke and Bodil Eriksson. Fees The Annual General Meeting adopted the following fees: · Chair of the Board of Directors to SEK 2 430 000 (SEK 2 390 000), · Unchanged fee for the Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors, SEK 815 000 , · Other Board members to SEK 525 000 (SEK 510 000), · Chair of the Board's Audit Committee to SEK 290 000 (SEK 255 000), · Other members of the Board's Audit Committee to SEK 215 000 (SEK 205 000), · Unchanged fees for each member of the Board's Remuneration Committee, SEK 100 000, · Chair of the Board's Risk and Capital Committee to SEK 290 000 (SEK 255 000), · Other members of the Board's Risk and Capital Committee to SEK 215 000 (SEK 205 000). Dividend The Annual General Meeting decided that the dividend for fiscal 2015 distributed to shareholders shall be SEK 10.70 per ordinary share. The dividend cut-off date was set at 7 April 2016. Given the cut-off date, the dividend will be distributed by Euroclear on 12 April 2016. Other decisions In addition, the Annual General Meeting adopted the following: · The members of the Board of Directors were granted discharge of liabilities but were denied for the CEO and the Chair of the Board of Directors. · Decision on the guidelines for remuneration to top executives · Decision to acquire own shares in accordance with the Securities Market Act · Decision on authorization for the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of own shares in addition to acquisition in accordance with the Securities Market Act · Decision on authorization for the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of convertible debentures · Performance and share-based remuneration program for 2016 for the Swedbank Group - partly a general 2016 program and partly an individual 2016 program - as well as a decision regarding the transfer of ordinary shares etc. under the 2016 programs and programs adopted by previous Annual General Meetings. On Swedbank's website, it will be possible via web TV, to watch Anders Sundström’s and Birgitte Bonnesen’s speeches to the Annual General Meeting. ( Swedbank AB (publ) is required to disclose this information pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528), the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980) and/or the regulatory framework of Nasdaq Stockholm). This information was sent to be published on 5 April 2016 at 17.45 CET For further information please contact: Cecilia Hernqvist, Group Head of Communications, Swedbank, tel. +46 8 585 907 41 Claes Warrén, Acting Press Manager, Swedbank, tel. + 46 8 585 926 11 Swedbank promotes a sound and sustainable financial situation for the many people, households and companies. Our vision is to contribute to development “Beyond Financial Growth”. As a leading bank in the home markets of Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Swedbank offers a wide range of financial services and products. Swedbank has over 7 million retail customers and around 600 000 corporate customers and organisations with 275 branches in Sweden and 144branches in the Baltic countries. The group is also present in other Nordic countries, the US and China. As of 31 December 2015 the group had total assets of SEK 2 149 billion. Read more at
Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2016
| Source: Swedbank AB