Measuring the Effectiveness of the Hopewell Model

Over 70% of Residents Achieve Successful Outcomes

MESOPOTAMIA, Ohio, April 19, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- An article in the Sunday Review section of the January 17 issue of The New York Times ("How Measurement Fails Doctors and Teachers") described the current fervor regarding outcomes measurement and accountability as possibly jeopardizing the quality of health care and education in the United States. However, the Times states, "We need more targeted measures, ones that have been vetted to ensure they really matter."

"At Hopewell, that vetting process is paramount," said Karges, Executive Director/CEO of Hopewell. "Since 2006, Hopewell has gathered and accessed data regarding the effectiveness of its programs and their impact on the recovery of its residents."

Hopewell's Outcomes Measurement Team is led by Candace Carlton, LISW-S, Quality Improvement and Compliance Director, and Sherry Bacon-Graves, BA, Outcomes Coordinator. The team also includes Sana Loue, PhD, MSSA, MA, JD, Hopewell's Research Consultant from Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Loue meets regularly with Carlton and Bacon-Graves, providing training on research techniques and the most effective methods of data analysis.

This team works with the Research Committee of Hopewell's board of directors to gather, analyze and report the periodic systematic measurements of each resident's progress as well as the effectiveness of each of Hopewell's programs as evidenced by the residents' progress, according to Karges. Over 70% of Hopewell residents have moved successfully into more self-reliant settings.

"Our outcomes measurement results show clearly that the Hopewell Model of care is effective," Karges continued. "The results lead us to improvement and may lead to programmatic changes. Often, the results indicate the need to replace older measurement tools with newer ones or to create customized tools as new programs are developed."

For more information about Hopewell's outcomes measurement and research, and to read the outcomes report, visit

About Hopewell

Hopewell is a 300-acre residential working farm located in Mesopotamia, Ohio, where adults with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression learn to manage their mental illness and return to independent life. Hopewell is the only therapeutic farm community in Ohio. It is ODMHAS-licensed and CARF-accredited. Hopewell is a member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the American Residential Treatment Association.

Information and assessments are available by contacting Daniel Horne, director of admissions, at 440.426.2009. Visit


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