First quarter in brief

  · Net sales for the quarter amounted to MSEK 136 (78).
  · Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to
MSEK 40 (70), of which results from associated companies impacted by MSEK 0
  · Profit/loss before tax amounted to MSEK -7 (17).
  · Profit/loss after tax amounted to MSEK -3 (15), or SEK -0.08 (0.44) per
  · Power production totalled 164 (228) GWh, of which 88 (122) GWh refers to Own
wind power operations and 76 (106) GWh to Co-owned wind power operations.
  · Average income from Own wind power operations was SEK 483 (562) per MWh, of
which SEK 353 (408) per MWh refers to electricity and SEK 131 (154) per MWh to
electricity certificates.
  · The shovel-ready project Solberg of 75 MW project was sold to Fortum.

Significant events after the end of the reporting period

  · The Kölvallen project was acquired in its entirety and is expected to
comprise about 180 MW when it is constructed.
  · Fortum took an investment decision relating to the previously sold Solberg
project of 75 MW.

Halmstad 3 May, 2016
ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact
Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

The information contained herein constitutes information which Arise AB is
legally required to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528)
and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information
was released for publication at 08.00 a.m. on 3 May 2016.


About Arise
Arise is one of Sweden´s leading wind power companies, with the business concept
to develop, build and manage onshore wind farms for its own account and on
behalf of investors. The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Arise AB (publ), P.O. Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, telephone +46 (0)35
20 20 900, corporate id .no. 556274-6726


05031174.pdf Arise_Pressrelease_Q1_20160503_ENG.pdf