Nokian Tyres plc Interim Report 4 May 2016, 8 a.m.

Sales grew in CE and Nordics, profitability improved

This release is a summary of Nokian Tyres’ Interim Report January-March 2016.
The complete report is attached to this release. It is also available on the
company website at

January-March 2016

  · Net sales decreased by 1.9% to EUR 275.8 million (281.3 in 1-3/2015).
Currency rate changes affected net sales negatively by EUR 14.6 million compared
with the rates in 1-3/2015.
  · Operating profit increased by 4.6% to EUR 50.5 million (48.3). Operating
profit percentage was 18.3% (17.2%).
  · Profit for the period decreased by 70.5% to EUR 39.9 million (135.3). In
Q1/2015, the company returned the 2007-2010 total additional taxes and punitive
interests of EUR 100.3 million to the financial result, based on the annulment
decision made by the Board of Adjustment of Finnish Tax Administration.
Excluding the tax decision, profit for the period increased by 13.8% compared to
  · Earnings per share were EUR 0.30 (1.02).
  · Cash flow from operating activities EUR -61.4 million (-16.8) was affected
by the payment of EUR 51.0 million of additional taxes with punitive tax
increases and interests concerning the tax years 2007-2010.

Financial guidance (updated)
In 2016, with current exchange rates, net sales and operating profit are to
remain at the same level compared to 2015. Q2/2016 will be weaker than Q2/2015
due to sales shifting nearer to the season and customers’ high winter tyre
inventory levels in Russia and North America.

Previous guidance (5 Feb 2016)
In 2016, with current exchange rates, net sales and operating profit are to
remain at the same level compared to 2015.

Key figures, EUR million

|                         |1-3   |1-3   |Change|4-6/ |7-9/ |10-12/15|2015   |
|                         |/16   |/15   |%     |15   |15   |        |       |
|Net sales                |275.8 |281.3 |-1.9  |345.5|311.0|422.3   |1,360.1|
|Operating profit         |50.5  |48.3  |4.6   |80.6 |72.4 |94.8    |296.0  |
|Operating profit %       |18.3  |17.2  |      |23.3 |23.3 |22.5    |21.8   |
|Profit before tax        |48.5  |63.5  |-23.7 |73.2 |64.6 |72.9    |274.2  |
|Profit for the period    |39.9  |135.3 |-70.5 |64.5 |57.7 |-16.8   |240.7  |
|Earnings per             |0.30  |1.02  |-70.8 |0.48 |0.43 |-0.13   |1.80   |
|share, EUR               |      |      |      |     |     |        |       |
|Equity ratio, %          |74.5  |71.7  |      |     |     |        |70.8   |
|Cash flow from           |-61.4 |-16.8 |      |     |     |        |283.4  |
|operating activities     |      |      |      |     |     |        |       |
|Gearing, %               |-8.5  |-8.0  |      |     |     |        |-16.9  |
|Interest-bearing net debt|-111.8|-112.6|      |     |     |        |-209.7 |
|Capital expenditure      |19.1  |21.9  |-12.9 |26.3 |24.5 |29.0    |101.7  |

Ari Lehtoranta, President and CEO:

“Our market performance has started in line with our expectations. Challenges in
Russia continue with declining new car sales and tyre market. Winter tyre
deliveries both for North America and Russia have been lower than last year
because of the higher customer inventory levels. We have been able to increase
summer tyre sales in all our markets and winter tyre sales especially to Central
Europe. We have gained market share in most of our markets keeping our strong
position in the Nordics.

Heavy Tyres’ sales remained at the last year’s level but the profitability
improved. Productivity continued to develop with double-digit numbers in Heavy
Tyres and 4% in Passenger car tyres. Vianor’s results were impacted by later
start of the spring season.

Production volumes were higher than last year. The raw material cost decline
continued and our lower production cost supported profitability. Negative impact
came from the ASP development. ASP was impacted by currencies and several mix
issues, but also by local price reductions. Negative ASP development took down
the net sales by 1.9% from last year. Currencies caused a EUR 14.6 million
negative impact; thus the net sales would have grown by 3% with comparable
currencies. All above resulted in improved profitability. Operating profit
improved by 4.6% from last year.

The growth of our branded distribution network was slower. The number of Vianor,
NAD and N-Tyre outlets in our network grew by 18, and the current number of
Vianor stores is 1,475 and the NAD/N-Tyre network has already grown to 1,377
stores. Economic situation in Russia and CIS causes some slowdown in the growth
of the network as some partner outlets have been closed.

We reiterate our full year guidance. As said already in February, the sales will
be more second half weighted this year than last year. Considering all the
timing changes of the deliveries, the second quarter will be weaker than
corresponding quarter last year.

In the first months of the year we had some excellent but also negative news. We
managed to make a common agreement for the Nokian passenger car tyre factory.
The agreement increases the flexibility of the production and guarantees our
employees at least two and a half years of relief of layoffs. Immediately after
this we told about the magazine test practices from the past and how we
corrected them in our own processes. We continue working with all relevant
parties to develop industry-wide test principles.

Thanks again for our employees in delivering good results in a difficult
environment. Our customers in distribution are very satisfied with recent
developments on how we support and service them. I am proud of what we do and,
after correcting the practices in magazine tests, also proud of the way we do
things. This gives me confidence on a positive future.”


Passenger Car Tyres

|                 |1-3  |1-3  |Change|4-6/15|7-9/ |10-12/15|2015 |
|                 |/16  |/15  |%     |      |15   |        |     |
|Net sales, M€    |202.4|207.6|-2.5  |241.2 |226.3|276.5   |951.5|
|Operating profit,|62.3 |60.1 |3.7   |69.6  |75.6 |80.3    |285.5|
|M€               |     |     |      |      |     |        |     |
|Operating profit,|30.8 |28.9 |      |28.9  |33.4 |29.0    |30.0 |
|%                |     |     |      |      |     |        |     |

Heavy Tyres

|                 |1-3 |1-3 |Change|4-6/|7-9/|10-12/|2015 |
|                 |/16 |/15 |%     |15  |15  |15    |     |
|Net sales, M€    |37.6|37.6|-0.2  |38.0|37.9|41.8  |155.3|
|Operating profit,|8.9 |6.7 |32.7  |7.5 |7.8 |6.7   |28.7 |
|M€               |    |    |      |    |    |      |     |
|Operating profit,|23.7|17.9|      |19.8|20.6|15.9  |18.5 |
|%                |    |    |      |    |    |      |     |


Equity-owned operations

|                 |1-3  |1-3  |Change|4-6/|7-9/|10-12/|2015 |
|                 |/16  |/15  |%     |15  |15  |15    |     |
|Net sales, M€    |53.8 |55.0 |-2.3  |86.7|66.4|119.4 |327.6|
|Operating profit,|-14.7|-12.6|-16.9 |5.7 |-6.0|11.1  |-1.9 |
|M€               |     |     |      |    |    |      |     |
|Operating profit,|-27.3|-22.9|      |6.5 |-9.1|9.3   |-0.6 |
|%                |     |     |      |    |    |      |     |

Press and analyst meetings

The result presentation for analysts and media will be held in Hotel Kämp in
Helsinki on 4 May 2016 at 10.00 a.m. Finnish time. The presentation can be
listened starting at 10 a.m. through audiocast via internet at

The event can also be attended via conference call. Please dial in 5-10 minutes
before the beginning of the event: FI +358 9 8171 0495, UK +44 20 31940552, US
+1 855 7161597.

Stock exchange release and presentation material will be available before the
event from

An audio file of the event will be available on the company’s website later same

Nokian Tyres interim report January-June 2016 will be published on 9 August

Further information:

Mr. Ari Lehtoranta, President and CEO, tel: +358 10 401 7733

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen, Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, media,

Attachment: Nokian Tyres’ Interim Report January-March 2016
Nokian Tyres is the world’s northernmost tyre manufacturer. The company promotes
and facilitates safe driving in demanding conditions. It supplies innovative
tyres for cars, trucks and special heavy machinery mainly in areas with special
challenges on tyre performance: snow, forests and harsh driving conditions in
different seasons. Nokian Tyres’ product development is consistently aiming
for sustainable solutions for safety and the environment, taking into account
the whole life cycle of the tyre. A part of the Nokian Tyres group, the tyre
chain Vianor has 1,475 outlets in 26 countries. In 2015 Nokian Tyres had
approximately 4,400 employees and net sales of approximately 1,4 billion euros.
Nokian Tyres’ share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. Further information:

