Solvang : 1st Quarter report 2016


  • Earnings from shipping activities of NOK 47.7 million, up from NOK 32.8 million in first quarter 2015.
  • Earnings from ship owning companies of NOK 45.5 million, up from 27.7 million in first quarter 2015.
  • Earnings before tax of NOK 47.7 million, up from NOK 35.4 million in first quarter 2015.
  • Successful consolidation of multiple ship owning companies to increase efficiency and cash-pooling.
  • Successful refinancing of LGC ship owning company
  • 882 days without lost time incidents (LTI), and only 4 LTI in the last 8 years.

Complete report for 1st Quarter 2016 is enclosed.

Stavanger 12 May 2016
Solvang ASA

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


1st Quarter report 2016