BoConcept invites shareholders to an information meeting about the offer presented by Layout Bidco A/S

The unanimous Board of Directors of BoConcept Holding A/S recommends the shareholders of the Company to accept to offer of DKK 500 per B-share by Layout Bidco A/S.

In this regard, BoConcept would like to invite its shareholders to a meeting with the Chairman of the Board Peter Thorsen and CEO Torben Paulin, to allow the opportunity to ask questions regarding the offer.

Time and venue

13 June 2016, 5pm CET 16 June 2016, 5pm CET
BoConcept Danske Bank – Filmsalen
Mørupvej 16 Laksegade 7
DK-7400 Herning DK-1063 København K

Confirmation of attendence is required no later than 12 June 2016, 4pm CET, to Danske Bank, Dorte Skotte, by phone +45 45 12 80 21 or by email

The offer document and the statement from the Board of Directors can be found on BoConcepts website The deadline for accepting the offer is 5 July 2016.


Best regards

Peter Thorsen
Bestyrelsesformand, BoConcept Holding A/S

         Enquiries regarding this announcement can be directed at:
         Chairman of the Board Peter Thorsen, on or by phone: +45 40 70 06 76.


Invitation shareholder meeting.pdf