Akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI” hereby informs that a Council meeting of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI” took place on 17 June 2016 where the following decisions were adopted:
[1] To remove Genadijs Kamkalovs, the Chairman of the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”, from the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”;
[2] To elect Vadims Kolosovs as the Member of the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”;
[3] To elect Valerijs Gorjuns (Valērijs Gorjuns), the Member of the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI” as the Chairman of the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”.
Vadims Kolosovs, the Member of the Board of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”, was born in 1981. During the recent 3 years, Vadims Kolosovs is a Head of the Legal Department at the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”. Vadims Kolosovs is not a holder of the title to the shares of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI”.
The current composition of the akciju sabiedrība “LATVIJAS TILTI” is as follows:
- Valerijs Gorjuns (Valērijs Gorjuns), Chairman of the Board;
- Vadims Kolosovs, Member of the Board;
- Regina Vitrjaka (Regīna Vitrjaka), Member of the Board;
- Igors Golcovs (Igors Goļcovs), Member of the Board;
- Andrejs Bockarjovs (Andrejs Bočkarjovs), Member of the Board;
- Romans Maizenbergs (Romāns Maizenbergs), Member of the Board.
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