In Wake of SCOTUS College Admissions Ruling, Shropshire University Makes Impact with Master's in Multicultural Relations, Business Administration and Other Concentrations

LOS ANGELES, June 27, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the importance of diversity in education upheld by our highest courts in the recent Fisher v. Univ. of Texas ruling, and the demand for quality affordable education continuing to increase, Shropshire University, with more than 120 courses - 12 Bachelor's and 6 Master's programs online, is setting a mark for others to follow, with enrollment of its third full year, now with new programs in Business Management and Multicultural Education. 

Says Founder and President, Dr. Sonel Y. Shropshire, "As indicated by the Supreme Court, colleges and universities are connecting themes of diversity and educational outreach. At SU, we are built on leading the best minds toward avenues of inclusion."  Shropshire is a former Dean at the University of California, Loyola Marymount University, Texas Wesleyan University and strategic advisor to over 350 institutions.

"One of the most intriguing programs is the Master's in Multicultural Education," says Azra Jacobsen, currently a Master's candidate. "I was drawn to the concentration because I want to learn about other cultures and impact communities."

The Master's in Business Management gives students a look inside small business development and client relations. Each student is paired with a successful business mentor to guide them through internships and job offers. Tuition, which is paid by installments over the duration of each course, allows more flexibility in managing life issues with education. "Higher Education should not be overly expensive. It should be a learning process in which you can better yourself, not go into debt due to financial struggle," explains Shropshire. 

Other Shropshire University Master's Programs include: Criminal Justice, Psychology, International Studies, Information Technology and Multicultural Relations. BA programs include: Criminal Justice, Global Business Management, Psychology, Health Administration, Human Resource Management, Multicultural Relations, Information Technology, and Philosophy.

ABOUT SHROPSHIRE UNIVERSITY: Shropshire University's curriculum is taught by highly-qualified professors and instructors with extensive academic and professional backgrounds in the respective concentrations they teach.

ABOUT DR. SONEL Y. SHROPSHIRE: For nearly 20 years, Dr. Sonel Y. Shropshire has been one of the most recognizable and influential persons in higher education. He served as Dean for several colleges including UCLA, Loyola Marymount University, Texas Wesleyan University and Stetson University. Since 2006, he has been an academic consultant developing faculty, staff and student recruitment strategies for many of the country's prestigious institutions including Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois, Columbia University, Georgetown University and 358 others.


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