Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Nederman Holding AB (publ)

The shareholders of Nederman Holding AB (publ) are hereby summoned to the
Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 14.00 at
Nederman headquarters, Sydhamnsgatan 2 in Helsingborg.
Registration and participation
Shareholders who wish to attend this Meeting must:

  · be registered in the Euroclear Sweden's share register no later than
Thursday, September 1, 2016.
  · notify their participation in the Meeting no later than Thursday, September
1st 2016, by 16.00

Registration must be made in one of the following ways:

  · on Nederman’s website
  · by email:
  · by phone: 042-18 87 00
  · by post: Nederman Holding AB (publ), ”Extrastämma”, Box 602, 251 06

Registration must include name, personal/corporate identity number, address,
telephone number, number of shares and any proxies. This information will only
be used for registering and preparing the voting list. Shareholders who wish to
be represented by proxy must submit a power of attorney in original form with
their registration. Representatives of a legal entity must present a copy of the
authenticated registration certificate or equivalent authorization documents
showing the authorized signatory of the entity.
The company will provide proxy forms to shareholders who so wish. The form can
also be found on Nederman’s website
Shareholders whose shares are nominee registered must, in order to be entitled
to participate in the Meeting, request a temporary entry in their own name in
the share register at Euroclear Sweden. Such registration, so-called voting
right registration, must be completed by Thursday September 1st, 2016, which
means that shareholders must notify the trustee of this in good time before this
Proposed agenda

 1. Opening of the meeting.
 2. Election of chairperson of the meeting
 3. Establishment and approval of the voting list
 4. Approval of the agenda
 5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes of the meeting.
 6. Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened.
 7. Resolutions concerning:
a.    Determination of the number of board members members,
b.    Determination of remuneration to the Board, and
c.    Election of board member
8.    Conclusion of the meeting.

Item 7
Shareholders represented in the nomination committee for the annual general
meeting 2016 and as of the issuance of this notice, representing 55,01 percent
of the share capital and votes in the company, has proposed Gunilla Fransson as
new board member until the next annual general meeting.
Gunilla Fransson, born 1960, Tech. Lic. has held management positions within
Saab AB and Ericsson AB.
Gunilla Fransson is currently board member at Trelleborg AB, Net Sight AB,
Permobil AB och Teleopti TEM AB.
Number of shares in Nederman: No shares
The proposition entails that the board of directors, until next annual general
meeting, shall consist of eight (8) members without any deputies and the
remuneration for the proposed new board member shall be equal to that of an
ordinary board member, amounting to 225 000 SEK (based on full term service) as
decided at the annual general meeting 2016.
The board of directors and their remuneration, as elected by the annual general
meeting shall remain unchanged.
Information at the general meeting
The board of directs and CEO shall, if any shareholder proposes so and if the
board of directors deems it possible without any vital harm for the company,
provide information regarding matters that could affect issues on the agenda
and/or the companies relationship to other group companies.
Complete proposition to decision under item 7 is found above. Documentation is
available on the company’s website. Documentation will be sent by mail to those
shareholders that so claim and that has provided their delivery address.
Number of shares and votes
As of the issuance of this notice the total number of shares and votes in the
company amounts to 11 715 340. The company’s ownership of own shares amounts to
23 371, which does not qualify any voting rights when in the company’s
Helsingborg August 2016
The board of directors
Nederman Holding AB (publ)
Facts about Nederman
Nederman is one of the world's leading companies supplying products and
solutions in the environmental technology sector focusing on industrial air
filtration. The company's products and solutions contribute to reducing the
environmental impact, create safe and clean working environments and improve
production efficiency. Nederman offers complete solutions, including engineering
and design, commissioning, installation, training and aftermarket. Sales are
managed through the Group’s own sales offices and distributors in over 50
countries. Production is performed in 12 countries on five continents. The
Nederman Group is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has around 1,900 employees.
Learn more at
Nederman Holding AB (publ), P.O. Box 602, SE-251 06 Helsingborg, Sweden.
Corporate registration number: 556576-4205

