Nokian Tyres: Disclosure under chapter 9, section 10 of the securities market act

Nokian Tyres plc Stock Exchange Release 16 September 2016 at 2:15 p.m.

Nokian Tyres has received an announcement from The Income Fund of America
(“IFA”) on 15 September 2016, according to which the shares owned by The Income
Fund of America (“IFA”) has gone above level of 5% of the share capital in
Nokian Tyres plc, as a result of share transactions concluded on 14 September
2016. IFA holds 6,815,161 shares; 5.014% of shares and 0% of voting rights which
IFA has delegated proxy voting authority to Capital Research and Management

Total positions of The Income Fund of America (“IFA”) and its funds subject to
the notification:

|                |% of      |% of shares and   |Total |Total number of shares|
|                |shares and|voting rights     |of    |and voting rights of  |
|                |voting    |through financial |both  |issuer                |
|                |rights    |instruments (total|in %  |                      |
|                |(total    |of B)             |(A+B) |                      |
|                |of A)     |                  |      |                      |
|Resulting       |5.014% of |0                 |5.014%|135,911,395           |
|situation on the|shares    |                  |of    |                      |
|date on         |and 0% of |                  |shares|                      |
|which threshold |voting    |                  |and 0%|                      |
|was crossed or  |rights    |                  |of    |                      |
|reached         |          |                  |voting|                      |
|                |          |                  |rights|                      |
|Positions of    |Below 5%  |Below 5%          |Below |                      |
|previous        |          |                  |5%    |                      |
|notification    |          |                  |      |                      |

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold
was crossed or reached:

A: Shares and voting rights:

|Class/type  |Number of |Number of shares |% of shares and     |% of shares and|
|of shares   |shares    |and voting rights|voting rights       |voting rights  |
|ISIN code   |and voting|                 |                    |               |
|            |rights    |                 |                    |               |
|            |Direct    |Indirect         |Direct (SMA 9:5)    |Indirect       |
|            |(SMA 9:5) |(SMA 9:6 and     |                    |(SMA 9:6 and   |
|            |          |9:7)             |                    |9:7)           |
|FI0009005318|6,815,161 |                 |5.014% of shares and|               |
|            |          |                 |0% of voting rights |               |
|SUBTOTAL A  |6,815,161 |                 |5.014% of shares and|               |
|            |          |                 |0% of voting rights |               |

B: Financial instruments according to SMA 9:6a:

|Type of    |Expiration|Exercise/ |Physical or|Number of|% of shares and|
|financial  |date      |Conversion|cash       |shares   |voting rights  |
|instrument |          |Period    |settlement |and      |               |
|           |          |          |           |voting   |               |
|           |          |          |           |rights   |               |
|None       |          |          |           |         |               |
|SUBTOTAL B |          |          |           |         |               |

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen

Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki Oy, media and
Nokian Tyres is the world’s northernmost tyre manufacturer. The company promotes
and facilitates safe driving in demanding conditions. It supplies innovative
tyres for cars, trucks and special heavy machinery mainly in areas with special
challenges on tyre performance: snow, forests and harsh driving conditions in
different seasons. Nokian Tyres’ product development is consistently aiming
for sustainable solutions for safety and the environment, taking into account
the whole life cycle of the tyre. A part of the Nokian Tyres group, the tyre
chain Vianor has 1,482 outlets in 26 countries. In 2015 Nokian Tyres had
approximately 4,400 employees and net sales of approximately 1,4 billion euros.
Nokian Tyres’ share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. Further information: