White Cashmere Collection 2016 Celebrates Canada's Four Seasons

16 Top Canadian Fashion Designers Create Cashmere BT Couture to Support a Future Without Breast Cancer - #Cashmere16

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 29, 2016) -

Editors Note: There is one photo associated with this press release.

A memorable and inspiring vision of a future without Breast Cancer was revealed on September 28 at Toronto's beautiful Art Gallery of Ontario, with the runway debut of The White Cashmere Collection™ 2016 (video link), celebrating Canada's four seasons.

Unique in the world, this year's Cashmere BT Couture collection showcases true patriot love for Canada's diverse landscape and climate with breathtaking fashions from 16 top Canadian fashion designers, all crafted in luxuriously soft Cashmere Bathroom Tissue (BT), Canada's best-selling brand.

A fund- and awareness-raiser for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF), this year's remarkable designer line-up features stunning Cashmere BT Couture that reflects the designers' interpretation of Canada's four seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer. They include: UNTTLD (Montréal), NARCES (Toronto), Stephan Caras Design (Toronto), Lisa Drader-Murphy (Halifax), DIODATI (Montréal), DALLA (Toronto), V-FRANZ (Montréal), IZ Collection (Toronto), Will Poho and Joseph Tassoni (Toronto), KaaDiki (Calgary), Miriam Baker (Toronto), Som Kong (Toronto), House of Knot (Calgary), AGAME Tennis (Toronto), Damzels in this Dress (Toronto) and Jon De Porter (Toronto).

Luxuriously Soft BT Couture for the Cure

An eagerly anticipated annual event, the White Cashmere Collection is produced by Kruger Products L.P., maker of Cashmere, and highlights the company's ongoing commitment to help create a future without breast cancer.

The collection, which launched in 2004, has featured more than 150 brilliant Canadian designers to date, and serves as a national and international platform to discover and promote Canada's brightest fashion stars. The annual kick-off to October Breast Cancer Month, The White Cashmere Collection heralds the return of limited-edition Cashmere in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. With twenty-five cents from the sale of every package going directly to the CBCF, limited-edition Cashmere gives Canadians an opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of Canadian women and their families affected by breast cancer.

"The White Cashmere Collection showcases the power of social good and how a one-of-a-kind collaboration with Canada's fashion community can promote continuous support for breast cancer research and awareness," says Nancy Marcus, Corporate Vice President, Consumer Marketing at Kruger Products. "Unprecedented across the globe, the White Cashmere Collection is one of the world's longest running, most successful Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that truly resonates with consumers on a very personal level. We take great pride in creating Canada's first and only annual fashion collection crafted in bathroom tissue and uniting Canada's fashion community with a cause that is very important to our consumers and our company. We are committed to a future without breast cancer," she says.

Celebrating Four Majestic Seasons in One Memorable Day

More than 250 invited guests, including Canada's top fashion industry leaders, influencers, designers, and the media attended #Cashmere16's, live fashion show hosted by CTV News Channel Anchor and breast cancer survivor, Beverly Thomson, and produced by Toronto fashion designer and collection Artistic Director, Farley Chatto.

A beautiful array of fashions ranging from ball gowns and rainwear, to a halter-neck tennis outfit and evening wear for a wheelchair user, the White Cashmere Collection 2016 features seasonally-inspired Cashmere BT Couture crafted from the brand's rich product portfolio: Spring - Cashmere EnviroCare; Summer - Cashmere Regular; Autumn - Cashmere Ultra 3 Ply; and Winter - Cashmere UltraLuxe.

"It's more important now than ever before to support local talent and the White Cashmere Collection continually provides a unique and important spotlight for Canada's design community on a global platform," says 2016 Artistic Director, Farley Chatto. "I am immensely privileged to be part of the collection's remarkable growth and success, and to collaborate with Kruger Products and partner with an incredibly talented roster of my peers who are dedicated and passionate Canadian designers committed to supporting the breast cancer cause."

Make Your Vote Count: Vote Couture for the Cure®

Canadians are invited to view The White Cashmere Collection 2016: Four Seasons and support the cause by joining Cashmere's unique Vote Couture for the Cure® contest at www.Facebook.com/Cashmere. From September 28 until October 26, 2016, Canadians are invited to vote for their favourite Cashmere BT Couture garment and Cashmere will donate $1 for every vote, up to $10,000, to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation in the winning designer's name. Voters will be entered in a lucky draw for four weekly prizes, with the ultimate chance to WIN a "4 Seasons Getaway" valued at $3,000.

"Thanks to the incredible enthusiasm and commitment of Kruger Products' employees and customers, the CBCF has been able to make significant investments in research, education and support programs for those affected by breast cancer across Canada," says Lynne Hudson, CEO, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. "Kruger Products has been a dedicated partner for many years and with the funds raised through the White Cashmere Collection, the CBCF will continue to invest in peer support initiatives and the most promising research projects that will bring us closer to our vision of a future without breast cancer."

Capturing the Beauty of Cashmere BT Couture

The White Cashmere Collection 2016 was photographed by internationally acclaimed Canadian photographer, Caitlin Cronenberg with hair and makeup by long time collection supporters, Marc Anthony Salon and MAC Cosmetics respectively. Shoes were generously supplied by Town Shoes, with Jewelry, by Swarovski, and fresh flowers by San Remo Floral Design Studio.

About Cashmere and Kruger Products LP

Cashmere, Canada's best-selling bathroom tissue, reflects Kruger Products' commitment to providing the finest quality tissue products to Canadian consumers. Kruger Products is Canada's leading tissue manufacturer and serves the Canadian consumer market with such well-known brands as Cashmere, Purex, SpongeTowels and Scotties, as well as away-from-home products for industrial and commercial use across Canada and the U.S.

About the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) is a national community-driven charity. As the largest charitable funder of breast cancer research in Canada, CBCF's vision is to create a future without breast cancer. Since its inception in 1986, the Foundation has invested over $360 million in breast cancer research, funding more than 1,400 scientific and community grants. CBCF's investments in vital research, education, health promotion, support and information programs have led to progress in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. For more information, visit cbcf.org.

The White Cashmere Collection 2016 is showcased at Cashmere.ca. Check out the Cashmere Facebook Fan Page at Facebook.com/Cashmere and tweet the White Cashmere Collection on Twitter using #Cashmere16.

High-resolution Cashmere BT Couture photography is available for downloading:

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Username: strategic1

Password: fourseasons

To view the photo associated with this press release, please visit the following link: http://www.marketwire.com/library/20160929-cashmere_1.jpg

Contact Information:

For more information or to schedule an interview, please
contact: Shane McKenna, Kloe Schultz or Ciara Dalziel
Strategic Objectives
416-366-7735 x 224 or x230 or x237


A celebration of Canada's four seasons took to the runway, on September 28, as 16 top Canadian fashion designers presented a breathtaking vision of a future without breast cancer with couture fashioned in luxuriously soft sheets of Cashmere Bathroom Tissue.
Company ProfileCashmere