At the AGM, 26 April 2016, it was decided that the Nomination Committee should consist of a representative for each of the three smallest and at the most 4 of the largest shareholders in the company and the Chairman of the Board. If a shareholder does not exercise his or her right to appoint a member, then the shareholder with the next greatest number of votes has the right to appoint a member to the Nomination Committee. The names of the members, together with the names of the shareholders they represent, shall be published no later than six months before the AGM 2017 and shall be based on the known number of votes immediately before the announcement. The Nomination Committee's mandate shall run until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be the Chairman of the Board. If significant changes occur in the ownership of the company, after the Nomination Committee has been appointed, the composition of the Nomination Committee shall also be changed in accordance with the principles above. A shareholder who has appointed a representative to be a member of the Nomination Committee shall be entitled to dismiss such a member and appoint a new representative as a member of the Nomination Committee, as well as to appoint a new representative if the appointed member chooses to leave the Nomination Committee. Changes in the composition of the Nomination Committee shall be made public as soon as they have taken place. Pursuant to this, the following people have been appointed as members of the Nomination Committee: Lars-Åke Rydh, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Jerker Löfgren, Orvaus AB, Hans Franzén, Agne Svenberg and Bengt Stillström, AB Traction. The Nomination Committee is deviating from the Code’s rules with regards to that the majority are Board Members, that at the most one of the Board Members who is included is allowed to be independent of major shareholders and that a Board Member must not be the chairman of the Nomination Committee. It is deemed reasonable that a company of this size has a Nomination Committee that represents the major shareholders and that some of these even act as Board Members. OEM International's AGM will be held Wednesday 19 April 2017, in Tranås. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can direct themselves to the Nomination Committee's Chairman, Lars-Åke Rydh, tel +46 (0)705 -92 45 70 or via e-post This information is of the type that the company is obliged to publish in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was made public on October 14th2016 at 13:00 CET. Tranås, 14 October 2016 OEM INTERNATIONAL AB (publ) For further information, contact Lars-Åke Rydh, Board Chairman OEM International AB, telephone +46 (0)705-92 45 70 One of Europe's leading technology trading companies with 33 operating entities in 14 countries For 40 years, OEM's idea has been to serve as a link that creates value between customers and manufacturers of industrial components and systems. Over the years, the company has grown from a small, family-owned business in Tranås in southern Sweden into an international technology trading group operating in 14 countries in northern Europe, Central Eastern Europe, the UK and China. OEM has partnerships with more than 300 leading and specialist manufacturers and is responsible for their sales in selected markets. Its range comprises more than 50,000 products in the areas of electrical components, flow technology, motors, transmissions and brakes, ball bearings and seals, appliance components and installation components. The Group has a customer base of more than 25,000 businesses, primarily in the manufacturing sector. The company's high level of expertise enables it to help customers increase purchasing efficiency and choose the right components.
Nomination Committee in advance of OEM International AB's Annual General Meeting 2017.
| Source: OEM International AB