Election committee for Vitrolife AB (publ)

The following people have been appointed as members of Vitrolife’s election
committee for the Annual General Meeting in 2017:
Patrik Tigerschiöld, representing Bure Equity AB
Niels Jacobsen, representing William Demant Invest A/S
Martin Lewin, representing Eccenovo AB
Carsten Browall, Chairman of the Board

The appointments have been made in accordance with the instructions regarding
principles for the appointment of the company election committee which were
determined at the Annual General Meeting of Vitrolife on April 28, 2016.
The Annual General Meeting of Vitrolife AB (publ) will be held on April 27, 2017
in Gothenburg.
Shareholders who wish to have an item considered at the Annual General Meeting
can submit a request to the Board to this effect. Such a request for an item to
be considered is to be sent to Vitrolife AB (publ), Att: Chairman of the Board,
Box 9080, 400 92 Gothenburg, and must have been received by the Board no later
than seven weeks before the Annual General Meeting, or otherwise in such good
time that the matter, where necessary, can be included in the notice to attend
the Annual General Meeting.
Gothenburg, October 26, 2016

Carsten Browall, Chairman of the Board, phone +46 (0)70 255 65 32
Mikael Engblom, CFO, phone +46 31 721 80 14

This information is information that Vitrolife AB is obliged to make public
pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The
information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact
person set out above, at 8.30 am CET on October 26, 2016.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in
doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

Vitrolife is an international medical device Group. Vitrolife develops, produces
and markets medical devices for assisted reproduction. Work is also carried out
to enable the use and handling of stem cells for therapeutic purposes.

Vitrolife has approximately 360 employees and the company's products are sold in
about 110 markets. The company is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and there
are also offices in Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy,
Japan, United Kingdom and USA. The Vitrolife share is listed on NASDAQ

Vitrolife AB (publ), Box 9080, SE-400 92 Göteborg, Sweden. Corporate identity
number 556354-3452. Tel: 46 31 721 80 00. Fax: 46 31 721 80 99. E-mail:
info@vitrolife.com. Website: www.vitrolife.com/

