DGAP-DD: QIAGEN N.V. english

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging
managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

02.11.2016 / 14:30
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person
closely associated

a) Name

     First name:      Peer M.  
     Last name(s):    Schatz   

2. Reason for the notification

a) Position / status

     Position:    Member of the managing body  

b) Initial notification

3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

a) Name

     QIAGEN N.V.  

b) LEI


4. Details of the transaction(s)

a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument,
identification code

     Type:    Financial instrument linked to a share or a debt instrument  
     ISIN:    NL0000240000                                                 

b) Nature of the transaction

   Grant of 460,220 PSU's as part of a performance-based stock program    
   introduced for a small group of executives in November 2013. The       
   vesting of shares in this program, and also percentage of shares       
   granted, will be measured on the performance of QIAGEN from 2016-2018  
   in terms of net sales, adjusted EBIT and QVA, a value creation         
   measurement system related to ROIC and EVA. Program replaces stock     
   option grants over period and contingent upon a commitment to          
   mandatory minimum share ownership.                                     
   Transaction linked to the exercise of share option programmes          

c) Price(s) and volume(s)

     Price(s)          Volume(s)       
     not numberable    not numberable  

d) Aggregated information

     Price             Aggregated volume  
     not numberable    not numberable     

e) Date of the transaction

     2016-10-31; UTC+1  

f) Place of the transaction

     Outside a trading venue  


02.11.2016 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,
Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.
Archive at www.dgap.de


   Language:    English         
   Company:     QIAGEN N.V.     
                Hulsterweg 82   
                5912 PL Venlo   
   Internet:    www.qiagen.com  
   End of News    DGAP News Service  

30321 02.11.2016