Risk Management 27/17: Collateral haircut updates

Notification of changes to: Appendix 14 of the Clearing Rules of Nasdaq Derivatives Markets - Collateral List

Nasdaq Derivatives Market has decided to make changes to Appendix 14 of the Clearing Rules of Nasdaq Derivatives Markets – Collateral List.

The following changes have been made:

Government Bonds & Bills Current value after haircut New value after haircut Change
British 5-10Y 94,0% 93,0% -1,0%
British 20-30Y 84,0% 80,5% -3,5%
Danish 10-20Y 95,5% 96,0% +0,5%
Dutch 5-10Y 96,0% 96,5% +0,5%
Dutch 20-30Y 90,5% 91,0% +0,5%
Finnish 10-20Y 92,5% 93,0% +0,5%
French 0-5Y 96,5% 97,0% +0,5%
French 20-30Y 86,0% 86,5% +0,5%
French >30Y 83,0% 83,5% +0,5%
Covered Bonds Current value after haircut New value after haircut Change
5-10Y 91,5% 90,0% -1,5%
World Bank
Green Bonds
Current value after haircut New value after haircut Change
20-30Y 86,0% 86,5% +0,5%
Equities Current value after haircut New value after haircut Change
ESSITY B 74% 73% -1,0%

The changes will come into force 2017-09-27

For further information regarding this exchange notice please contact Clearing Risk Management, telephone +46 8 405 70 88, or clearing.risk@nasdaq.com

Nasdaq Derivatives Market

Clearing Risk Management


Appendix 14 - Collateral List - 2017-09-27.pdf