Delisting of Instruments

By reason of a share distribution in Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) Nordea Bank will delist instruments with the re-calculated basket as underlying asset.

All instruments with the basket as underlying will be delisted the 3rd of October 2017. Until that date the instruments are marked as "Sold Out Buy Back" thus customers can only sell their instruments back to Nordea.

During the "Sold Out Buy Back" period all customers have the possibility to sell their current holdings in the below mentioned instruments. If the customers hold the instrument until delisting date, the customer will receive a settlement amount based on the value of the instrument on the Delisting date. Settlement amount will be paid to the holder not later than 10 (ten) business days after the delisting date.

New instruments will be listed to replace the re-calculated instruments.

NDA Isin Instrument Delisting date
BEAR SCAESS X1 NORDNET SE0009860331 2017-10-03
BEAR SCAESS X3 NORDNET SE0009860349 2017-10-03
BEAR SCAESS X3 N SE0004447027 2017-10-03
BEAR SCAESS X3 N1 SE0008131486 2017-10-03
BLANKA SCAESS N SE0005219102 2017-10-03
BULL SCAESS X3 NORDNET SE0009859713 2017-10-03
BULL SCAESS X3 N SE0004447019 2017-10-03
MINI L SCAESS NORDNET 01 SE0009980196 2017-10-03
MINI L SCAESS NORDNET 02 SE0009980204 2017-10-03
MINI L SCAESS NORDNET 03 SE0009980212 2017-10-03
MINI L SCAESS NORDNET 04 SE0009980220 2017-10-03
MINI S SCAESS NORDNET 01 SE0009981103 2017-10-03
MINI S SCAESS NORDNET 02 SE0009981111 2017-10-03
MINI S SCAESS NORDNET 03 SE0009981129 2017-10-03