Steve Forbes Discusses Abundance of Agriculture Technologies

Prairie Crest Capital Conference brought focus to vast ag tech opportunities in Midwest

DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 16, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recently, more than 150 national ag leaders joined together at the Prairie Crest Capital Annual Ag Tech Investor Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, which featured legendary investor Steve Forbes as the keynote speaker.

Forbes spoke about the importance of technology in agriculture and the impact globalization has had on the industry.

“Over the past 30 years, no industry has become more globally interconnected than agriculture,” remarked Forbes during his keynote address. “Ag companies are continuing to innovate with cutting-edge research and development. However, they cannot succeed without capital. We lead the world by being better, smarter, and not being afraid to take risks. Now is the time to take risks and invest in these new technologies allowing companies and ideas to flourish.”

A major theme of Forbes’ address was people’s willingness to take risks and be an example for the rest of the industry – something he saw happening in the room.

“Although the Midwest is home to approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population, top research universities, entrepreneurial talent, and Research and Development spending, the region receives less than five percent of venture capital investment. This conference was designed to connect the intellectual promise of the Midwest startup and entrepreneurial communities with the connected capital of the East and West Coasts to lead the way in changing this statistic,” said Mark White, partner at Prairie Crest Capital. “The potential for this industry to grow and become even more revolutionary is vast and I thank all those who participated.”

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds kicked off the conference discussing the key role Iowa plays in the future of agriculture.

Throughout the course of the day, agricultural investors and innovators discussed a variety of topics and breaking edge technology. The day focused on the important role the Midwest must play in the ag tech investment effort. Multiple companies at different business stages from across the country showcased their latest ideas featuring new technologies and advancements. The following companies presented pitch ideas: Power Pollen, Natural Fiber Welding, Ag Pixel, CropPro, Performance Livestock Analytics, Zeavaxx, Wisran, Smart Ag, Automed, Quantified Ag, Terva, Tradelanes, and Green Sense Farms.

“Bringing national agricultural assets to the Midwest is vital in helping entrepreneurs realize their potential,” said Barry Adams, partner at Prairie Crest Capital. “Entrepreneurs need opportunities to engage with resources (markets, capital, and expertise) that are distributed nationally. By holding this conference, we were able to make that a reality. I look forward to the next few months and years as relationships built grow this industry.”

Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig closed the event detailing where Iowa stands among the nation as a leader in agriculture and the innovation needed to meet public sector goals.

About Prairie Crest Capital
Prairie Crest Capital is a venture capital firm in Des Moines focused on early-stage investments in promising agricultural and breakthrough technology firms. Leveraging their experience and Midwest location, Prairie Crest Capital connects investors to underserved and compelling opportunities in the Ag Tech sector in order to deliver superior returns. 


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