DXS International plc : AGM Statement



At today's AGM, David Immelman, CEO of DXS International plc, the developer and supplier of clinical decision support solutions to the NHS, will be making the following statement:

"Although budget cuts by the NHS affected our organic development during the 2016-2017 year the company still achieved modest growth. I am however pleased to report that some NHS restructuring is happening which we believe will have a positive effect on our future revenues.

Since the financial year end we have continued to invest in R&D and have now completed phase one of a new range of products and solutions. We are also extremely excited about a tender the company has won which is ideal for piloting these new products and solutions and kicks off in January 2018.

We intend demonstrating these live solutions with a webinar early in the New Year and will be emailing shareholders who indicate their interest further details in due course. If you would like to be invited to join the webinar please email samantha.smith@dxs-systems.com.

The NHS has informed us that it will be launching GPSOC 3 and that tendering will begin in 2018. They intend to resolve some of the issues which had beset the current GPSOC contract which bodes well for DXS.

In line with our customer needs, we continue a program of evolving and improving our current products and services as well as developing new products and services, driven by customer and market needs."

The Directors accept responsibility for this announcement.

For further information please contact:

David Immelman  (Chief Executive)
DXS International plc
  01252 719800

Wrecclesham House
Wrecclesham Road
GU10 4PS



David Papworth
City & Merchant
  0207 101 7676

Level 17, Dashwood House
69 Old Broad Street,

Note to Editors:

DXS International presents up to date treatment guidelines and recommendations, from Clinical Commissioning Groups and other trusted NHS sources, to doctors, nurses and pharmacists in their workflow and during the patient consultation. This effective clinical decision support ultimately translates to improved healthcare outcomes delivered more cost effectively which should significantly contribute towards the NHS achieving its projected efficiency savings.