Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Selects EnergyCAP Energy Management Information Solution

State College, PA, March 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CoPA) has selected EnergyCAP, Inc.’s (ECI) EnergyCAP® Enterprise software and complementary Bill CAPture service as the foundation of the Commonwealth’s on-going efforts to reduce energy costs and consumption across state-owned and -managed facilities.

EnergyCAP was procured by CoPA through ECI’s GSA contract, which guarantees that the state pays the lowest available fees for the EnergyCAP software license, implementation services, user training, and on-going software support and maintenance.  Initially, the commonwealth’s electric and heating fuel data will be tracked in EnergyCAP, with water and other commodities to be added later.  ECI will convert historical utility bill data from CoPA’s legacy tracking system into EnergyCAP to establish a baseline against which future statewide energy- and cost-saving efforts can be gauged.

"Benjamin Franklin, one of Pennsylvania’s most famous residents, wisely said, ‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’  We are very pleased to have the opportunity to serve the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, our home state, with a comprehensive EnergyCAP energy information system that will provide energy cost and consumption knowledge leading to future savings.” said EnergyCAP CEO Steve Heinz. "With EnergyCAP and the associated Bill CAPture processes to capture and audit live utility bills, all Pennsylvania state agencies will have accurate, timely utilities information upon which to base energy management analytics and decision-making.  CoPA joins an impressive list of state governments that have established EnergyCAP as the foundation for their energy management programs—three in just the past year—and we encourage others to follow their lead.”

More than 10,000 CoPA utility bills per month will be entered, audited, and analyzed within the EnergyCAP application.  Approximately 85% of the bills will be imported into EnergyCAP electronically.  Paper bills will be processed by ECI’s Bill CAPture service.  Bill CAPture uses cutting-edge optical character recognition (OCR) technology to convert each paper bill into an electronic file, which is then imported into EnergyCAP for auditing, analysis, and reporting.

The EnergyCAP solution will include an interface to facilitate the transfer of data from EnergyCAP to the Energy Risk Management Application operated by Penn State’s Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI).  PSFEI—which helped coordinate the EnergyCAP evaluation and purchase—provides energy management and procurement services to CoPA, and their efforts will be aided by having direct access to commonwealth-wide energy use and cost data in a timely fashion.

At the commonwealth’s Capitol complex, submeter data will be imported into EnergyCAP to enable detailed energy consumption analysis and comparison to vendor utility bills.

Statewide, EnergyCAP will enable CoPA employees to evaluate and report on the effectiveness of their energy management efforts via certified Cost Avoidance (M&V) calculations, track energy projects, benchmark energy use across building types and commodities, and communicate data easily via customizable online dashboards. 

“The Commonwealth has taken an aggressive approach to ensuring that our energy conservation efforts result not only in the reduction of our carbon footprint, but our energy consumption costs as well,” said Julien Gaudion, PA Department of General Services Deputy Secretary for Property & Asset Management. “The EnergyCAP platform will provide the Commonwealth with actionable data across agencies and allow us to focus our investments to further enhance our facility efficiency and sustainability efforts.”

About EnergyCAP, Inc.

EnergyCAP, Inc. publishes industry-leading software tools that help organizations derive value from utility bills. For more than three decades, the award-winning EnergyCAP software has helped more than 10,000 energy managers across 3,000 organizations to track 35 million utility bills and document $5 billion in energy savings. Learn more about EnergyCAP, Inc. at


For more information contact:
Blaine Clapper
Asst. V.P., Sales & Marketing, CMO
EnergyCAP, Inc.
Phone: 877.327.3702 x38


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