OTTAWA, April 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), today presented the Institute’s Gold Medal to Dr. John A. Percival to recognize his leadership and advancement of geoscience in Canada and internationally. His expertise has proven essential for land use decisions and the promotion of social and economic development in Canada and in countries around the world. Dr. Percival current heads the Geological Survey of Canada’s Ore Systems Research Section at Natural Resources Canada.
President Daviau commented: “Dr. Percival is an example of the role model that the Institute’s Gold Medal is intended to honour. His innovative work has advanced the field of geoscience in Canada and abroad.”
Dr Percival’s discovery of a block of deep-crustal rocks up-thrust 20 kilometres to the surface in the Kapuskasing structure of Northern Ontario in 1984 led to the launch of Lithoprobe, Canada’s national geoscience program, recognized as one of the world’s most successful deep investigations of Earth’s structure.
Dr. Percival has pioneered innovative methods for geological mapping leading to new discoveries of gold, base metals and diamonds in Canada. These success stories illustrate the leverage of publically funded geoscience on private sector investment.
Geo-mapping is essential for informed land-use planning (zoning, recreation, development, protection) and thus for the execution of programs by governments at all levels, by industry in the exploration for and development of mineral and energy resources, thereby providing employment and royalties for northerners, and by communities deciding their futures.
Dr. Percival’s work has made an impressive economic impact, and Canada has reaped the rewards of the government’s investment in public science.
“The tremendous contribution dedicated professionals like Dr. John Percival make to the public good confirms that the federal government has a unique role to play in scientific research. The federal government is responsible for creating and maintaining a climate in which fruitful research can take place and flourish. Scientific research is a critical component in our success as a society – whether it is our ability to protect the health and safety of our fellow citizens, preserve our environment or ensure future economic prosperity,” added President Daviau.
The Professional Institute established the Gold Medal Award program in 1937 to recognize professional public service employees whose outstanding work has led to the improvement and enhancement of public well-being. The program’s other objective is to promote greater awareness of the role and value of professional public services in Canada and globally.
PIPSC is a national union representing some 57,000 professionals and scientists across Canada’s public sector.
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For further information: Laureen Allan (613) 228-6310 extension 4950 or (613) 864-6700 (cell)