Considering requirements of Article 59’ paragraphs 7 and 10 of the Law on the Financial Instruments, the Board of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas balzams informs that a transaction has been concluded with the company of group of companies – Amber Beverage Group Holding S.à rl, registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, No. B218246, on granting an additional amount of GBP 4,000,000.00 in euro with a repayment date in 2022 and 3% annual interest rate within the frames of the existing Loan agreement between the Parties.
The impact of the transaction on the Company's commercial activities is evaluated positively.
The transaction is also considered to have a positive impact on the shareholders of the Company which are not related parties to the transaction, as interest rate of the granted loan, which is more favourable than those offered for the term deposits of credit institutions.
The opinion of Audit committee on the transaction is obtained.