Lean Belly Fat-Burning Diet Plan Called Fat Decimator, Created by Kyle Cooper Weight Loss Diet

ST. LOUIS, May 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In an age where fitness and weight loss has become both a craze as well as a more than $70 billion industry in the U.S. alone, we also find ourselves with a growing epidemic of obesity.  More and more people are overweight and suffering from critical health issues as a result.

Part of the problem is that much of what’s considered “common knowledge” when it comes to weight loss is rooted not in science but in myth.  Countless studies have shown that excessive cardio, the lack of salt, eating certain vegetables thought to be healthy and even cutting out carbs is actually counterproductive to the body’s natural fat burning processes.

“I was firmly entrenched in the widely held concepts camp,” former marine and fitness expert Kyle Cooper says, “I did it the established way for over 10 years until my eyes were opened by a combination of ancient Asian wisdom and the science to back it up.”

In his wildly popular and successful weight loss program, The Fat Decimator, Kyle tells a story of how a Korean medical student worked with him after he nearly died in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden.  This medical student now doctor, Samuel Pak, told Kyle that much of the western notions of fitness and weight loss were actually ineffective and even dangerous.

“Sam really opened my eyes at a time when I needed it most,” Kyle continues, “Yet one big point really sticks out.”

There is a condition known as metabolic acidosis.  This is a condition in which the human body cannot rid itself of food acids and fights back by creating and storing fat as a defense against these acids.  During metabolic acidosis, there is nothing a person can do to lose weight no matter how hard they try, because the body is literally fighting for its very survival.

Hundreds of clinical studies have shown that metabolic acidosis is responsible for why more than 93.6% of people are unable to significantly reduce their weight.  Fortunately, however, the science also indicates how to stop this process and to reverse it.

“How to prevent metabolic acidosis is the very core of what Sam and I created,” Kyle notes, “Fat Decimator is a simple program that works with the body’s natural processes rather than against them.  I’ve made it my life’s mission to share this strategy and I’m humbled to know that more than 50,000 people have used it to totally transform their bodies and their lives.”

In The Fat Decimator program, Kyle explains exactly what metabolic acidosis is and how to combat it.  He also pulls back the veil on all of today’s fitness and weight loss myths and shows people who have been searching for so long for something truly effective the truth and how to harness it for themselves.

To tap into the secrets about weight loss that have been hidden for so long, visit Kyle’s website and watch his free presentation, Click Here or the link below:  www.fatdecimator.com  

Media Contact:
Fat Decimator
Kyle Cooper
Attn: Media Relations
917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200,Boise, Idaho 83706

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