FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, May 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) is pleased to announce a new partnership with – Canada’s leading online platform to connect municipalities and the businesses that serve them – that will benefit its members nationwide.
The partnership will allow CAMA members easily to find qualified consultants specializing in municipal matters, post a Request for Proposal, bid or tender, find a CAO, post a CAO job, see and submit events of interest to municipal administrators, and even sell surplus equipment.
The partnership also provides for some great discounts to other special services, including the following:
- muniLEARN – an end-to-end collaborative learning management system platform with access to over 900 accredited digital courses for any size municipality and
- muniJOBS – coming soon is the only online career and recruitment platform in Canada with a 100% municipal focus that provides candidates with both matching and searchable job postings.
Registration is free for CAMA members, and it takes less than a minute to join. Once a municipality is registered, any member of the team can also join and access the services available.
Media Contacts:
CAMA: Stacey Murray, 506-261-3534,
muniSERV: Susan Shannon, Founder & Principal,, 855.477.5095,
muniSERV is Canada’s leading online solution for helping municipalities and professionals connect. We help municipalities save time and money searching for the consultants & CAOs they need, while offering professionals the opportunity to showcase their profile and services to get found and grow their business.
About CAMA
The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) is a national, non-profit association open to all Chief Administrative Officers / City Managers and any person employed in a senior management position that reports directly to a CAO. With a membership of over 600 senior municipal employees from all parts of Canada, CAMA collectively represents more than 70% of the nation’s population.