Soles4Souls Encourages Supporters to Experience One Day Without Shoes This Friday

NASHVILLE, TENN., May 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- June 1 is National Go Barefoot Day and to honor that day, non-profit Soles4Souls invites supporters around the globe to experience what it's like to live just one day without shoes during its annual #Barefoot4Them campaign.

Nashville-based Soles4Souls created #Barefoot4Them in order to raise awareness for the millions of people who live without access to proper footwear. All over the world, due to inadequate footwear, children are prevented from attending school, adults are unable to work and tens of millions are infected with soil-transmitted diseases like hookworm, which can cause lifelong debilitation and suffering.

Joining the movement is simple —pledge your support by registering at Then, on June 1st, commit to living just one day without shoes in honor of those who do so every day. Participants are encouraged to spread the word and raise awareness by posting their barefoot photos and experiences to social media by tagging @Soles4Souls and using the hashtags #Barefoot4Them and #NationalGoBarefootDay.

“We ask people every year to live without shoes for just one day,” says Soles4Souls’ President and CEO Buddy Teaster. “It’s incredible how going barefoot can have such a powerful and long-lasting impact on those who participate. We hope that by joining us for Barefoot4Them, people will develop a deeper understanding of what millions living in poverty all over the globe go through on a daily basis.”

Join those who have already pledged their time and feet by visiting

To learn more about Soles4Souls’ mission to wear out poverty, or to get involved, visit


Soles4Souls staff members barefoot in honor of National Go Barefoot Day

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