Biohit Oyj: Managers' Transactions

Biohit Oyj: Managers' Transactions

BIOHIT OYJ           MANAGERS’ TRANSACTIONS                               8 JUNE 2018 3.15  P.M.

Biohit Oyj: Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Suovaniemi, Osmo
Position:                                Member of the Board/Deputy Member

Issuer:                                   Biohit Oyj
LEI:                                        74370089ATTSNBXJVT29

Notification type:                 INITIAL NOTIFICATION
Reference number:              74370089ATTSNBXJVT29_20180606135610_7

Transaction date:                 2018-06-08
Venue:                                   Venue not applicable

Nature of the transaction:    DISPOSAL 
Instrument type:                    SHARE
ISIN:                                        FI0009005482

Transaction details
Volume: 965,217 
Unit price: 4.26 EUR

Aggregated transactions
Volume: 965,217 
Volume weighted average price: 4.26 EUR

Nature of the transaction:    DISPOSAL 
Instrument type:                    SHARE
Name of the instrument:       Biohit Oyj A-share

Transaction details
Volume: 247,040 
Unit price: 4.26 EUR

Aggregated transactions
Volume: 247,040 
Volume weighted average price: 4.26 EUR

Biohit Oyj

Semi Korpela

For additional information: 
CEO Semi Korpela,
Biohit Oyj
p. +358 9 773 861