Bear Creek Contracting applies to the Supreme Court for a Summary Judgement of $14.5 million against Pretium Resources and Rokstad Power

TERRACE, B.C. , June 11, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 6, 2018, Bear Creek Contracting Ltd. (Bear Creek) made application for a Summary Judgement against Pretium Resources (Pretium), owner of the Brucejack Gold Mine and its general contractor, Rokstad Power (Rokstad) for $14.5 million for work done in 2016, building transmission line tower base foundations to provide power for the Brucejack Mine (the Project). The Application is based on the following alleged facts:

  • Pretium directed the work of Bear Creek to complete the transmission line in 2016;
  • Once the Project was launched on April 2, 2016, several changes were made to the scope of the work that added both time and costs to the foundations; 
  • Other delays were encountered, including the relocation of more than 50 of the 171 tower sites due to geotechnical concerns, weather delays, environmental delays, redesign delays and delays in securing engineering sign-off for the completion of the foundations;
  • To ensure completion, Pretium added resources and, due to the efforts of Bear Creek, the foundation work was completed in September 2016;
  • Pretium provided assurances to Bear Creek that its additional efforts would be compensated and rewarded; and
  • Change Orders including those dealing with the additional work performed by Bear Creek of more than $14,000,000 were generated and then executed by Pretium and Rokstad for additional work.

Bear Creek is also asking for damages resulting from not being paid for the work completed.

The application is supported by five Affidavits of individuals who worked on the Project.

The application is set to be heard in late June, although adjournments may be sought.

The application and supporting affidavits contain allegations and facts that have yet to be proven in Court.

For more information please contact:

Ian Munson
President and CEO, Bear Creek Group of Companies         

Tanner Elton
Manager, Community and Government Relations    

Copies of the full Request for Summary Judgement and supporting affidavits can be obtained from the Terrace Court Registry or from Bear Creek Group of Companies. 

Company ProfileBear Creek Contracting