Uptick Newswire’s Founder and CEO, Everett Jolly is Interviewed by Connie Colella in the New Uptick Newswire Video Studio

PHOENIX, July 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Uptick Newswire’s Founder and CEO Everett Jolly joined Connie Colella in the Company’s new video studio.  The videos will be viewable on NASDAQ, Seeking Alpha, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal and Market Watch among others.  The video will also reach Uptick Newswire’s 50,000 twitter followers and 121,000 audio listeners.

“This is a very exciting time for you and everyone at Uptick Newswire as we launch this video show,” said Colella.  “Can you tell all of us why you decided to create this show?”

“As you know we have been doing the audio interviews for two and a half years, and we did over a thousand interviews,” said Jolly.  “The next level to take this is put together a news network where CEOs actually come into the studio, you interview them.  They will be able to get there story out and investors can look at their faces.”

“This is a very exciting time for you and everyone at Uptick Newswire as we launch this video show,” said Colella.  “Can you tell all of us why you decided to create this show?”

“Of ten thousand companies on the OTC Markets, my team has discovered five hundred to a thousand of those companies that have real revenue, real products that are going to move up from the OTCQB to the QX to the NASDAQ,” continued Jolly.  “Additionally, we want to provide an outlet to reach the investment community for these companies.

“Examples of the companies we interview are RXMD, we first interviewed them at $0.01 and it has since gotten as high as $0.26,” Jolly said.  “EVIO we first interviewed at $0.06, it is now over $1.00.”

To listen to the full interview please click here to the following link:

To watch the video please click here to the following link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qa9eCDzM4JLIeGKWAT4YE23BLAxhQXMC

About Uptick Newswire and the "Stock Day" Podcast
Uptick Newswire is a private company reaching out to the masses keeping investors and shareholders up to date on company news and bringing transparency to the undervalued, undersold, micro-cap stocks of the market and is the sole producer of the Uptick Network “Stock Day” Podcast. The Uptick Network “Stock Day” Podcast is an extension of Uptick Newswire and has recently launched the Video Interview Studio located in Phoenix, Arizona.

Holly Marie