Extraordinary general shareholders meeting of AB “GUBERNIJA” (legal form – public limited liability company, with its address registered at Dvaro g. 179, Šiauliai, Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 144715765, VAT code LT447157610, registry: Registry of Legal Entities, registry manager: State enterprise Centre of registers, having registered authorized capital of EUR 3 064 626.66 (three million sixty four thousand six hundred twenty six euros and 66 cents) divided into 16 129 614 (sixteen million one hundred twenty nine thousand six hundred and forty four) ordinary registered shares with nominal par value of 0.19 Eur (nineteen hundred euros) each) (hereinafter the Issuer or the Company), held on July 7th, 2018, by a majority of not less than ¾ votes, decided to delist the Issuer's shares from NASDAQ Vilnius AB Additional Trading List and to discontinue the public offering of the Company's shares.
AB „MV GROUP Production“ (legal entity code 132082782) – legal entity submitting the offer to buy up remaining 555 460 (five hundred fifty five thousand four hundred sixty) ordinary shares of the Company, each having nominal value – 0,19 EUR (ISIN codes: LT0000127615; LT0000114357).
Intended way of settlement for the securities to be bought up is by cash.
On June 11th, 2018 the announcement of the Board of Members the Company about the intention to remove the Company's shares from trading on a regulated market and the discontinuation of the public offer of shares was publicly announced in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts.
Legal representative of AB “GUBERNIJA”,
Attorney at law Inga Žemkauskienė
Phone: + 370 5 2783 213