OEG: Court ruling regarding resolutions adopted at 29 June 2018 general meeting of shareholders

Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG“) hereby informs of Harju County Court ruling, dated 3 August 2018, in which the court banned increasing the share capital of OEG on the basis of sections 4.7 and 4.8 of the articles of association adopted at the general meeting of shareholders on 29 June 2018 and registration of share capital increases of OEG on the basis of decisions of the supervisory board.

According to the ruling, the injunction has been decided on the basis of an action from aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management against OEG seeking to establish the nullity of the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders or alternatively to revoke the resolutions. The action has not been delivered to OEG and thus OEG currently does not have any further information about the court case. OEG will keep its shareholders informed about the next steps.

Madis Jääger
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-mail madis.jaager@oc.eu  