New Market Segment - Nordic Fixed Income Markets

Nasdaq launches Stockholm Sustainable Products - a new market segment for exchange traded green, social and sustainable financial instruments

Trading will commence in Genium INET production on September 27, 2018.

STO Sustainable Products

STO Sustainable Products is created with the same functionality as the existing market STO Structured Products.

The segment is available for external testing with the following identifiers:

 Market Identification in GCF TST 4
Description MIC Source ID Market GCF ID Source
STO Sustainable Products XSTO 195 STOUP 866 Genium INET EXT3
 Market Identification in Production
Description MIC Source ID Market GCF ID Source
STO Sustainable Products XSTO 195 STOUP 862 Genium INET Production

For further information concerning this exchange notice, please contact:

Axel Holm or Roni Gani

Telephone +46 8 405 60 00

NASDAQ Fixed Income