David M. Rottkamp, CPA, Grassi & Co. is the Recipient of the 2018 Urbach Community Builders Award


Manhattan, NY, Sept. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David M. Rottkamp, CPA, Partner, NFP Practice Leader at Grassi & Co., is the 2018 recipient of the 15th annual Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award. The New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. (NYCON) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) co-sponsor the award, which recognizes exemplary achievements of a certified public accountant also serving as a board leader for one or more community organizations.

Rottkamp is deeply respected and effective as a Board Member for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Long Island Chapter. David’s knowledge, experience and service to nonprofits and his community is remarkable, which has a regional and national reach. Cyndi Zagieboylo, President & CEO of the National MS Society, observed that “David’s commitment to increasing resources through organizational efficiency and expanding resources through fundraising and community leadership engagement has contributed to the National MS Society’s impact on people’s lives in local communities nationwide.” His leadership as a Board Member, Chair of the Audit Committee and Member of the Executive and Compensation Committees, led MS through a transformational change from a federated structure to a unified national organization.

Rottkamp’s leadership as Governance Chair and Board Member with the National MS Society Long Island Chapter has been instrumental during the Chapter’s reorganization and ultimate growth. Larry Silverstein, Board Chair, noted in his letter that David “is a tremendous leader that is liked by everyone that he interacts with…and is an active participant in all our events. Without a doubt David is someone you want to keep.”

Allen L. Fetterman, CPA, MBA, who nominated Mr. Rottkamp, stated he “was highly respected by the partners and staff of the firm and by the clients he served” when they previously worked together at Loeb & Troper. With more than 31 years of experience providing accounting, audit and advisory services to the not-for-profit sector, David is now an Audit Partner, Not-for-Profit Practice Leader, and the Partner-in-Charge of the New York City Office at Grassi & Co.

An authority in the industry, David has presented on a variety of topics relating to sustainability and succession, governing board roles, responsibilities and activities, compliance with government grants and contracts, Medicaid and other payors, and not-for-profit accounting and regulatory changes. 

For almost 25 years, David has presented to a variety of industry associations, including, the Financial Managers Association (FMA), the Interagency Council of Developmental Disabilities Agencies, Inc. (IAC), the New York State Society of CPA’s Foundation for Accounting Education (FAE) and the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) at their annual Camp Finance conference. David is also an adjunct professor at New York University (NYU) in Manhattan.

David Rottkamp’s accomplishments and leadership is further demonstrated in his current role as Board Chair for the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) as he helps shepherd the organization in reaching major growth milestones, including the integration and alignment of NYCON’s diverse family of affiliates and programs. David has served on the NYCON Board of Directors since 2012, having also served as Treasurer and Vice Chair. Doug Sauer, NYCON's CEO observed that “David is only the second CPA that has been chair of NYCON over our long history, the first being Michael Urbach.  It is easy to stereotype CPA’s as being risk aversive and more into the minutia of operations than the larger strategic directions and issues. David certainly pays attention, knows the numbers and makes sure that proper, if not best practice procedures, are followed; but as chair, he is always looking through the organizational lens of the “big picture” as to where are we going, how are we going to get there, what changes need to occur, and developing the plan accordingly. He is a true change agent, challenges the status quo, is not afraid to push the envelope and embraces informed transformation.”      

The Community Builders Award is named in honor of the late Michael H. Urbach, CPA, a former partner of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, and NYS Commissioner of Tax and Finance and Chair of the State Employees Federated Appeal.  He served on the boards and as an officer on numerous New York State charities including NYCON, Equinox, Inc., Albany Jewish Community Center, Albany Boys and Girls Club, United Way of Northeastern NY and St. Peter’s Hospital Associates, among many others.

The 2018 award will formally be presented at NYCON’s Annual Business Meeting, slated for the afternoon of October 4th at Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. The luncheon will take place during Camp Finance, a two-day retreat aimed at boosting the financial expertise and accountability of nonprofits. To register for the luncheon on October 4th, contact Melissa Currado at mcurrado@nycon.org or call 1.800.515.5012, x 100. To register online or for more information, visit www.nycon.org.

NYCON and NYSSCPA would like to recognize The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region for their grant contribution towards the Michael H. Urbach, CPA Community Builders Award.



About Grassi & Co.: Grassi & Co., the 70th largest accounting firm in the U.S., is a premier professional service organization specializing in auditing, tax, technology, and business consulting services. Grassi & Co. has offices in New York City, Long Island, White Plains, NY, and Park Ridge, NJ as well as internationally through its association with Moore Stephens International. Grassi & Co. specializes in professional services for the Not-for-Profit, Construction, Architecture & Engineering, Financial Services, Private Equity, Life Sciences, Manufacturing & Distribution, Retail, Technology, Media & Telecommunication, Transportation, Energy & Natural Resources, and Healthcare industries, among others.


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