Nasdaq would like to announce the Genium INET 5.0.0215 release, going live November 17th, 2018.
The following changes and enhancements are currently in scope for the release, but are subject to change.
Product Identifier in OMnet - Equity Derivatives and Commodities
-New column added to CSV and Excel versions of the Series Information report
-New Interface file - German Only Electricity Option Contracts with Futures as underlying - Commodities
Please see the attached document for the impact of Genium INET 5.0.0215 on the OMnet API.
The planned project timeline for Genium INET 5.0.0215
September 17 | Release of final technical specifications |
October 10 | External test system 4 availability |
October 30 | External test system 3 upgrade |
November 1 | External test system 1 upgrade |
November 17 | Upgrade of Genium INET to version 5.0.0215 |
November 19 | First trading and clearing day for Equity Derivatives, Fixed Income and Commodities on Genium INET 5.0.0215. |
Information on the 5.0.0215 release and the updated specifications are available on the Technical Information web site. The site will be continuously updated.
For technical questions, please contact:
Technical Support
+46 8 405 6750
For general questions on the release, please contact:
Technical Relations
Anders Bergström
+46 8 405 7364