Decisions of Annual General Meeting of IC Group A/S held on 26 September 2018


Today IC Group A/S has held its Annual General Meeting with the following resolutions being passed:

  • The Annual Report for the period 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018 was approved by the shareholders and the proposal to pay an ordinary dividend of DKK 5.46 per share was adopted.
  • Peter Thorsen, Henrik Heideby, Niels Martinsen, Michael Hauge Sørensen, Jón Björsson and Conny Kalcher were re-elected to the Board of Directors.
  • The proposed remuneration to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors for the current financial year was adopted. The total remuneration will be DKK 4,370,000, of which DKK 400,000 constitutes separate remuneration to the Audit Committee.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as auditors of the Company.
  • It was resolved to delete the Company's secondary name "InWear Group A/S".
  • It was resolved to reduce the Company's share capital from DKK 170,908,580 to DKK 151,933,070.
  • The Board of Directors was authorised for the period until the next Annual General Meeting to allow the Company to acquire own shares representing up 10% of the share capital and at a price deviating by no more than 10% from the listed price at the time of the acquisition.


The complete wordings of the resolutions appear from the previously published agenda.


After the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors appointed Peter Thorsen as Chairman and Henrik Heideby as Deputy Chairman.


The report by the Chairman and the CEO at the Annual General Meeting will be published on the corporate website.



IC Group A/S


Peter Thorsen




Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:                                                                               

Jens Bak-Holder

Head of Investor Relations

Phone: +45 21 28 58 32



This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the event of any discrepancy


between the Danish and English versions, the Danish version shall prevail.



