Global Geoscience Releases Date for PFS Set for 23 October 2018

SYDNEY, Australia, Sept. 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Australian-based lithium-boron mine developer Global Geoscience Limited (Global” or the Company) (ASX: GSC) today announced the release date for its Rhyolite Ridge Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) as 23 October 2018.  The Company will host a video-conference call to coincide with the release – details will be provided closer to the date.

Global Geoscience’s Managing Director, Bernard Rowe commented:

“I am pleased to advise that we will be releasing the result of our Rhyolite Ridge Pre-Feasibility Study on 23 October 2018.  

“The study is largely complete with final review and editing of the report in progress.

“The Wood Group (Amec Foster Wheeler) and our team have been working on the study for eight months and we look forward to sharing the PFS outcomes with our shareholders and the market.

“The quality and detail of the work that has been conducted will provide a very detailed and robust PFS.”

Contacts at Global Geoscience

Bernard RoweJames D. CalawayRoger Howe
Managing DirectorChairmanInvestor Relations
T: +61 419 447 280T: +1 713 818 1457T: +61 405 419 139
E: jcalaway@calawayinterests.comE:

About Global Geoscience
Global Geoscience Limited (ASX:GSC) is an Australian-based lithium-boron mine developer focused on its 100%-owned Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA.

Rhyolite Ridge is a large, shallow lithium-boron deposit located close to existing infrastructure. It is a unique sedimentary deposit that has many advantages over the brine and pegmatite deposits that currently provide the world’s lithium. Rhyolite Ridge is one of only two known large lithium-boron deposits globally.   

Global Geoscience is aiming to capitalise on the growing global demand for lithium and boron. Lithium has a wide variety of applications that include glass, ceramics, lubricants and its main growth market, batteries. Boron is used in glass, fiberglass, insulation, ceramics, semiconductors, agriculture and many other applications. Global Geoscience aims to develop the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project into a strategic, long-life, low-cost supplier of lithium and boron products. To learn more please visit:

Company ProfileGlobal GeoscienceIndustry: Basic ResourcesWebsite: