AFL Asks: Will Jason Kenney follow the lead of his friend Doug Ford by rolling back rights for working Albertans?

Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group warns that Ontario’s present could become Alberta’s future

EDMONTON, Alberta, Oct. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Jason Kenney cozies up to Doug Ford at a joint rally in Calgary, the Alberta Federation of Labour is encouraging working Albertans to take a close look at Ford’s troubling track record of attacking and undermining workplace rights and protections – because a provincial government led by Kenney would likely follow the same path.

“Jason Kenney and Doug Ford are birds of a feather,” said AFL President Gil McGowan. “Albertans would do well to pay attention to Doug Ford’s Ontario – because, if we’re not careful, their present could become our future.”

If elected, Kenney has already promised a “Summer of Repeal” that would obliterate key Notley legislation that has greatly strengthened rights and protections for Albertans in the workplace. Doug Ford’s own repeals are a glimpse of this possible future. So far, the Ford government has committed to:

  • Eliminate the expansion and implementation of personal leaves, including the newly implemented domestic violence leave
  • Eliminate the provision banning workers from being required to wear high heels at work
  • Terminate planned increases to minimum wage
  • Cancel Workers’ Compensation Board and Occupational Health and Safety reforms, slashing employer premiums while continuing to cut worker benefits
  • Eliminate provisions ensuring temporary and casual workers receive equal pay for equal work
  • Slash social assistance

 “This week’s Kenney-Ford rally is more evidence of what we already know,” said McGowan. “A Kenney government would follow the same right-wing playbook that is being used by Ford, and yes, Donald Trump. Critics of these new, hyper-conservative politicians have focused on their attacks on women and marginalized groups and their willingness to fan the flames of intolerance. But their playbook also includes attacks on workplace rights and protections. From forcing women to wear high heels at work to cutting back benefits for workers who are injured on the job, Ford’s repeals are inhumane, and they are turning back the clock for workers in Ontario. Given the predictability of this right-wing playbook, there is no doubt in my mind that working people here in Alberta would face the same attacks under a Kenney government.”

For more information:


Janelle Morin

Director of Communications

Alberta Federation of Labour


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