Change in number of shares and votes

16 November 2018

Announcement no. 289

Change in number of shares and votes in Rovsing A/S

Due to a loan conversion of DKK 600.000 to shares, the registered number of shares and votes in Rovsing A/S (Rovsing) has today been increased with 7.204.092 shares at a conversion price of DKK 0,083286 per share. This is the third conversion of the convertible credit facility, issued pursuant to the Convertible Credit Facility agreement that Rovsing entered into with Formue Nord Markedsneutral A/S on 21 March 2018 - reference is made to Announcement no 275 New credit line.

Following the capital increase, the registered number of shares and votes in Rovsing amounts to 422.233.632.

Please refer to the section link on Rovsing’s website for further information on the Convertible Credit Facility.

Further information
Rovsing A/S, Sigurd Hundrup, CFO (+45 44 200 800 or



Announcement289_Change in number of shares