Transportation Report Reveals Areas to Watch in Toronto and the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area (GTHA)


MARCH 31 2019

Transportation Report Reveals Areas to Watch in Toronto and the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area (GTHA)
All-new Transportation Formula guides homebuyers and investors to identify regions of expected growth, while the Transportation Effect shows where and what to buy, right down to the metre and property type, for dramatic property value and rent premiums

Toronto, ON: The Real Estate Intelligence Network (REIN) has created a proprietary, breakthrough transportation formula, which it has published for the first time in its Transportation Effect Report for Toronto and the GTHA. This seminal report is the output of robust data and keen analysis compiled by REIN, Canada’s venerable and most trusted source of real estate education for more than 25 years.

Building and maintaining infrastructure is critical to the economy of a city. Transportation impacts business development, housing starts and neighbourhoods in transition, community growth, and quality of life for commuters. The Transportation Effect Report is regarded by investors as critical and unbiased information about current and future property values and rents. “At a regional level, we are thrilled to publish REIN’s all-new Transportation Formula, which guides investors and homebuyers to clearly identify areas of future real estate growth,” says Jennifer Hunt, Vice-President of Research, REIN.

Applying REIN’s Transportation Effect Formula, the report drills into specific neighbourhoods, even down to the metre. Highlighted in this report are new infrastructure for light rail, subway, bus routes and highways. Alternative modes of transportation, called active modes (bicycling, walking), are also noted. Readers will learn which neighbourhoods to watch that are impacted by new transportation infrastructure and upgrades, as well as gain insight into the GTA’s economic development initiatives. In addition to these types of macro factors, REIN’s Transportation Effect discusses micro factors and their impact on values, such as: 

  • The identification of 17 urban growth centres across the GTHA as focal points for economic growth and residential development 
  • The cities of Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Toronto, Pickering and Oshawa are forecast to accommodate significant growth in the next 15 years
  • Growth and development will be facilitated by rapid transit  “intensification corridors”
  • Analysis of the data and projections published in The Big Move by Metrolinx, the body in charge of transit infrastructure in the GTHA
  • The growth and development occurring within 51 mobility hubs, with minimum population density targets, job opportunities, residential development and transit nodes
  • The cost of congestion on GTHA’s roadways and the urgency to find solutions
  • Current ridership and transit usage data and projections

The Transportation Effect Report addresses several key issues, including:

  • Why transportation is a critical factor in real estate investing;
  • What areas and types of properties to consider for acquisition or to avoid given proximity to new infrastructure and/or upgrades to existing infrastructure;
  • Where current projects are funded and about to break ground in the GTHA, and what future projects are approved or at the concept phase; and
  • Analysis of the projects and where and when an investor might be advised to take action.

Don R. Campbell, Senior Real Estate Analyst for REIN, says, “Strategic investors make decisions based on many key factors, and transportation changes rank near the top. Areas receiving transportation upgrades or new infrastructure are clear signals that the areas newly serviced are areas to be watched. For most people, buying a house is the largest investment they will make in their lifetime, and our transportation reports will help them make a strategically right decision.” 

Since the publication of REIN’s first breakthrough transportation reports in 2009, REIN continues to research and study current and proposed transportation projects across Canada and publish studies on their impact on residential, multi-family and commercial properties.

About the Real Estate Intelligence Network
REIN was founded in 1992. It is Canada’s most trusted source of real estate investment education, analysis, research and strategic leadership. It offers a platform and environment where its clients have transacted more than 39,300 properties, representing more than $5.1 billion of real estate holdings. 

REIN delivers balanced and impartial research and economic insights integrated with relevant analysis. It brings critical information, opinions of industry thought leaders, and proven strategies of success together in a way that homebuyers and investors can use to make the right decisions on where, when, and why to invest in real estate. 

REIN sees a bright future for the Canadian real estate marketplace. Its clients, armed with current and insightful research, and provided with strategic guidance and help from an exceptional like-minded community, are set to continue to thrive and achieve their personal investment goals.

For more information:  

Media can access a free copy the report here:

Media contact:

Jennifer Hunt

Vice President Research

Real Estate Investment Network



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