Highlights of the first half year 2019
- Saxo Bank has extended the initial offer period during which shareholders can submit their shares under the Offer to 31 July 2019.
- The process for obtaining regulatory approvals is on schedule.
- As mentioned before, the expectation remains that the transaction with Saxo Bank will be completed during the first half of Q3 2019.
- Net result 19H1 € 6.6 million (18H1: € 22.2 million).
- Net earnings per share 19H1 € 0.10 (18H1: € 0.33). The result for 18H1 included the profit on the sale of Think ETF Asset Management B.V. (€ 8.1 million, € 0.12 per share).
- No interim dividend will be paid for the first half of 2019.
- Number of transactions 19H1 in line with 18H1 at 5.0 million transactions (+1%).
- Assets under management at the end of 19H1 amounted to € 1.0 billion (18H1: € 1.0 billion). Assets under management of the new propositions rose to € 239 million (18H1: € 142 million). Turning point to net inflow almost reached.