Royal Wessanen: Independent review report on interim financial information Wessanen available

This is a press release by Koninklijke Wessanen N.V. (“Wessanen” or the “Company”) in connection with the public offer by PAI Partners SAS and various entities (indirectly) controlled by or affiliated to Charles Jobson and/or his family members, acting jointly through Best of Nature Bidco B.V., for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the capital of Wessanen. This announcement does not constitute an offer, or any solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in Wessanen. Any offer will be made only by means of the offer memorandum (the "Offer Memorandum") approved by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten) on 11 July 2019 and made available on 12 July 2019. The Offer is not being made, and the Shares will not be accepted for purchase from or on behalf of any Shareholder, in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the
terms of the Offer Memorandum.

Amsterdam, 2 August 2019

Independent review report on interim financial information Wessanen available

As indicated in Wessanen’s Position Statement dated 11 July 2019, Wessanen has, in connection with the Offer, arranged for its H1 2019 interim financial information (the “Interim Results”) to be reviewed by its auditor. On 2 August 2019, Deloitte Accountants B.V. completed its review of the semi-annual financial report for the six-month period ended 30 June 2019 and issued an independent review report. Based on the review, Deloitte has no reason to believe that the semi-annual financial report as published on 19 July 2019 was not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34, ‘Interim Financial Reporting’.

The Interim Results including Deloitte’s independent review report are available on Wessanen’s website (Newsroom section – subsection Press Releases – ) as of today.

Capitalised terms used, but not defined, in this press release have the meaning given to it in the Offer Memorandum.

For information contact

Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Ingo Heijnen
Phone +31 6 55867904


Maaike Veeling
Phone +31 6 20112163

Company profile

Wessanen is a leading company in the European market for healthy and sustainable food. In 2018, our revenue was €628 million and we employed on average 1,350 people. Our purpose is ‘connect to nature’ and we focus on organic, vegetarian, fair trade and nutritionally beneficial products. Our family of companies is committed to driving positive change in food in Europe. Our own brands include many pioneers and market leaders: Allos, Alter Eco, Bjorg, Bonneterre, Clipper, Destination, El Granero, Isola Bio, Kallø, Mrs Crimble’s, Tartex, Whole Earth and Zonnatura.



