Clean Steam is Crucial to Product Quality in Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Spirax Sarco holds live webinar to help manufacturers identify and eliminate sources of steam contamination

Blythewood, SC, Aug. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Spirax Sarco USA will host a live, 30-minute webinar for food and beverage manufacturers, focusing on the importance of steam quality in their production processes, on Tuesday, August 27th at 1 p.m. EDT.  “Mitigating the Risks in Your Food & Beverage Steam Process” is open to anyone in the industry looking for tips and best practices to help ensure that their products are both safe and palatable. Participation is free, and registration is available online through the company’s event page at:

The topics the webinar will cover include:

  • The “usual suspects” in steam contamination and how to avoid or correct them
  • Good engineering practices to protect your product and brand
  • Clean steam success stories
    The webinar’s presenters are Spirax Sarco steam experts Mike Skidmore and Neil Davies.
    Skidmore is Market Development Executive for Spirax Sarco’s UK food and beverage industry and provides worldwide support for industry steam and thermal energy applications, food quality and safety, and market trends. He holds a BE in Mechanical Engineering and is an incorporated member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.
    Davies is Market Development Manager for Spirax Sarco’s US food and beverage industry, working with customers and steam system manufacturers to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of their steam systems and processes. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering, as well as an MBA.
    “Steam is a critical part of food and beverage manufacturing – the ‘secret ingredient’ that’s never listed on the packaging,” says Skidmore. “The quality of steam that manufacturers use in cooking, humidification and sterilizing help ensure that the food and beverages we buy taste good and are safe to consume. This webinar will give participants a good overview of potential areas of concern.”

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About Spirax Sarco

With over 100 years of experience, Spirax Sarco is a global leader in the engineering and servicing of industrial and commercial steam systems and the supply of high quality products for the control and efficient use of steam and thermal energy. The company employs more than 1,300 steam experts in 62 countries around the world.



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