Samsung Smartwatch Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals 2019: Best Samsung Galaxy, Gear S3 & Gear S3 Frontier Deals Reviewed by Deal Tomato

Here’s a review of the top Samsung smartwatch deals for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2019, including savings on Samsung Gear S3, Gear Sport, Galaxy and Galaxy Active2 wearables

What are the best Black Friday & Cyber Monday Samsung watch deals of 2019? Deal Tomato monitor savings on Samsung Gear and Galaxy smartwatches over Black Friday & Cyber Monday and are sharing their top picks for shoppers below.

Best Samsung Watch deals:

Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals run for a limited period of time. Visit Amazon’s Black Friday & Cyber Monday page and Walmart’s Black Friday & Cyber Monday home page for their latest deals. Deal Tomato earns commissions from purchases made using the links provided.

The Samsung Galaxy smartwatch was first available in 2018, since then Samsung has expanded and released three main models, the Gear S3 Frontier, Galaxy Fit-e and Active2. Each version allows users to access their cellphone’s applications, including text messages and phone calls through bluetooth. The Galaxy smartwatch also has built in GPS to track walking, running or cycling stats and then users can view them in the accompanying app. Each model offers different features, like the Gear S3 Frontier, which holds up to 4GB of storage and has WI-FI capabilities. While the new Galaxy watch Active2 is offered with LTE and accompanying wireless charging pad.

Why is Black Friday called ‘Black Friday’? Black Friday was so-named for the increased revenue that retailers would generate over the Thanksgiving shopping season, which often generates them large profits and sends them ‘into the black’.

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