Pharmagest Interactive: aXigate selected by the French hospital purchasing network, RESAH

Villers-lès-Nancy, 26 February 2020 - 6:00 p.m. (CET)
Press release

aXigate was selected by the French hospital purchasing network, RESAH,
as a provider of patient pathway management solutions
for regional hospital groups

  • aXigate, a subsidiary of the Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division of  Pharmagest Group, was selected by the French hospital purchasing network, RESAH (Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers) for its new Electronic Medical Records programme for French regional hospital groups with 6 other independent health sector software vendors.
  • The functionalities to be included in this programme destined to provide the “common base” for EMR include the “management of arrivals, patient identification, hospital stays and movements, medical appointments, prescriptions, biological tests, imaging and healthcare, medical files, ER care, medical automation solutions, the integration of biomedical data, gathering information and integration into the Hospital Information System (HIS) of the SMR (Shared Medical Records) and regional medical files”.



aXigate, a MALTA INFORMATIQUE subsidiary since 2017, is specialised in new technologies which ranks it as a French leader in the Hospital Information Systems (HIS) sector.

As part of Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division (which includes the MALTA INFORMATIQUE software for ALFs, DICSIT INFORMATIQUE software for Hospital at Home programmes and home-based nursing services, ICT software for different types of community health centres and MALTA BELGIUM software for nursing homes in Belgium), aXigate has once again demonstrated the relevance of its market positioning and the added value offered by its response to market needs for innovative technological solutions.

aXigate was selected by the RESAH hospital purchasing network for its new Electronic Medical Records initiative for regional hospital groups

The call for tender for the “Provision of digital services for the pathway and coordination in the healthcare and social care universe (interprofessional coordination and coordination support services) and related services” is part of the Health System Transformation Strategy programme of the “Ma santé 2022” initiative launched on 18 September 2018.

This programme addresses two major priorities for driving the digital revolution of the health system transformation strategy:

  1. Developing health information sharing between professionals through secure, interoperable (communicating) and simple to use digital services;
  2. Contributing to the deployment of services providing value to users and patients by facilitating access to their personal data, health information and the creation of a digital healthcare space.

aXigate: a solution for managing the Patient pathway already deployed in several regional hospital groups

aXigate provides an innovative solution for Electronic Medical Records addressing multi-establishment information needs and covering inter-and intra-hospital patient pathway. It is based on Web and mobile technologies which facilitate the exchange and integration of data, allowing access from any computer workstation, regardless of the operating system, or through mobile devices. aXigate’s information system addresses the needs of all healthcare stakeholders: hospitals, regional hospital groups, ALFs, Hospital at Home programmes and home-based nursing services but also private practice physicians.

The aXigate solution is built around three core components:

  • Welcome®, a Patient Identity Server and a regional Platform for Information Exchange and Sharing.
  • Reflex®, the new Mobile-Web-Based Electronic Medical Records (EMR) solution.
  • Lookup®, an integrated decision-making and navigation tool within an optimized file system.

A link between outpatient office-based/hospital pathways for the patient: Pharmagest Group is the only market player capable of organizing and coordinating healthcare between office-based and hospital care

Pharmagest Group is constantly enhancing its system based on the largest service offering on the market. These services support patients across the entire pathway to provide a unique care experience through solutions designed to bridge the outpatient office-based and hospital phases of care.

The Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division (which includes the MALTA INFORMATIQUE software solution for ALFs, DICSIT INFORMATIQUE software solution for Hospital-at-Home programmes and home-based nursing services, aXigate software solution for regional hospital groups, ICT software solution for different types of community health centres and MALTA BELGIUM software solution for nursing homes in Belgium) proposes the most comprehensive and innovative offering in the healthcare market, facilitating exchanges between all stakeholders within a patient-centred universe.

With its Electronic Medical Records solution, aXigate is fully integrated within the architecture of the software suites developed by MALTA INFORMATIQUE (TITAN Suite for ALFs) and DICSIT INFORMATIQUE (AntHADine Suite for Hospital at Home programmes).

“We are very pleased to be selected as a supplier which validates our commitment to our investment strategy and strengthens aXigate’s position. aXigate has demonstrated in recent months its ability to deploy its solutions across different regional hospital networks to create a particularly large functional scope. Its selection as a supplier by RESAH highlights the positive market positioning of aXigate’s software offering. This is further bolstered within regional hospital groups by the leading positions of our solutions in the social care (TITAN) and hospital-at-home market segments (AntHADine)” noted Grégoire DE ROTALIER, Chairman of aXigate and Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division.
About aXigate
aXigate, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malta Informatique, develops one of the most innovative solutions on the Hospital Information Systems (HIS) market  with a 100%-cloud-based and web-responsive solution (multi-device functionalities: tablets, smart phones, computers, etc.) providing traceability and comprehensive patient care management.
The aXigate solution is destined mainly for public hospital centres, particularly regional hospital groups (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire or GHT). Authorised for millions of patient records and thousands of users, aXigate is deployed at more than 40 hospitals across France.

About MALTA INFORMATIQUE and the Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division of Pharmagest Group
MALTA INFORMATIQUE, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pharmagest Group, is an independent software vendor specialised in applications for assisted living facilities and day care facilities for the elderly, a fast-growing sector in which it has a 28 % market share. Its TITAN application is the only solution on the market with the ability to cover the entire medication pathway for assisted living facilities (ALFs) for the elderly. At 31 December 2019, MALTA INFORMATIQUE was installed at 2,150 ALFs.
MALTA INFORMATIQUE is the operating company responsible for spearheading Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division (180 employees; 2019 sales: €20 million). With its subsidiaries DICSIT INFORMATIQUE, aXigate, ICT and MALTA BELGIUM, this Division also operates across a number of sectors including hospitals at home, home-based nursing services, hospitals and health centres and facilities housing multiple disciplines.

About Pharmagest Group
Pharmagest Group is the French pharmacy information technology leader, with a market share of more than 44% as a provider of software solutions for pharmacies, 28% for ALFs, 43% for HAD programmes and 20% for health care centres. Pharmagest Group has developed a range of specialized business lines: pharmacy IT, e-Health solutions, solutions for healthcare professionals, solutions for health and social care facilities (for ALFs, Home-Based Nursing Services, Hospital-at-Home programmes, senior care service centres, multi-professional and paramedical healthcare providers and hospitals), solutions for pharmaceutical laboratories, apps and connected health devices, a marketplace for vendor financing...
These businesses are grouped within four Divisions: Pharmacy - Europe Solutions; Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions; e-Health Solutions and Fintech.

Listed on Euronext Paris™ - Compartment B

Indices: CAC® SMALL et CAC®  All-Tradable by inclusion
The Group is included in the Gaïa-Index 2019 comprised of
socially responsible mid caps
Eligible for the Long-Only Deferred Settlement Service (SRD)
ISIN: FR 0012882389 – Reuters: PHA.PA – Bloomberg: - PMGI FP

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Chairman and Head of Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division
Tel. +33 (0)5 57 35 19 25 -

Pharmagest Group - Press Contact
Isabelle APRILE

Mobile phone: +33 (0)6 17 38 61 78 –



Company ProfilePHARMAGEST INTERACTIVEIndustry: SoftwareWebsite: