''We do our best to fulfill our social supply obligation''

Lübeck, March 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The worldwide spread of the coronavirus is also a concern for Dräger. We are seeing a significant increase in demand worldwide for our ventilators, the corresponding accessories and personal protective equipment. At the same time, it is our duty of care to provide our employees with the best possible protection. This presents us with challenges that we reassess and solve every day.

"Our goal is to maintain business operations with the purpose to fulfill our duty to provide our technology for life to as many as needed. This motivates us to give our best every day, even in these difficult times," said Stefan Dräger, Chairman of the Executive Board of Drägerwerk Verwaltungs AG.

To meet the high demand for our products, we have already significantly expanded our production capacities in recent weeks. Our production facilities for respiratory masks in Sweden and South Africa are working at full capacity and are running around the clock. In medical technology, for example, we are currently producing almost twice as many ventilators as before. We are working flat out to expand our production capacities even further. The fact that we invested in a future-oriented factory with state-of-the-art industrial production methods several years ago is paying off here. We have agreed innovative work organization and working time models with our employees. This gives us the necessary flexibility to react to the high volume of orders. We especially appreciate the commitment of our employees and are very grateful for their daily efforts to support our customers in helping others.

In times of a pandemic, we at Dräger are doing everything in our power to fulfill our social responsibility to provide for society – worldwide. We have recently received major orders from the German Federal Ministry of Health to supply ventilators and monitors. However, also internationally incoming orders and deliveries of personal protective equipment and ventilators are significantly higher than in the previous year. Yesterday alone, for example, Dräger shipped over 100 ventilators from Germany to Italy.

It is not only the delivery of new equipment that is important for patient care. Existing technology must also function perfectly. That is why we will maintain our service on site in the hospitals as long as possible and focus the priority of our work on the functionality of our products and services. Repairs and installations will be in the foreground, routine activities will be handled subordinate to this. We are in close coordination with the authorities in order to be able to continue to provide our services even under difficult conditions.

Stefan Dräger: "I am aware that despite all our efforts we can only partially meet the current demand in the world. And believe me, we would like to do even more. But I can assure you: We do what we can. Our thoughts are with the doctors, nurses and rescue workers who are currently doing a great job for patients and society at large."


Dräger. Technology for Life® 
Dräger is an international leader in the fields of medical and safety technology. Our products protect, support, and save lives. Founded in 1889, Dräger generated revenues of almost € 2.8 billion in 2019. The Dräger Group is currently present in over 190 countries and has more than 14,500 employees worldwide. 

Please visit www.draeger.com for more information.


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