AB “Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius” (hereinafter –ESO), identification code 304151376, registered office placed at Aguonu str. 24, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 894 630 333; ISIN code LT0000130023.
ESO informs about the start of the mandatory buyout of shares on 18 May 2020.
The person redeeming the shares is UAB Ignitis grupė (hereinafter – Ignitis grupė), code 301844044, the address of the registered office is Žvejų st. 14, Vilnius. After implementing the tender offer of ESO shares, Ignitis grupė holds 873,676,107 units of ESO ordinary registered shares giving voting rights, which account for 97.66%. (i.e. more than 95%) of all ESO shares, respectively holds 97.66%.votes at the general meeting of shareholders of ESO.
All remaining shareholders of ESO must sell their shares to Ignitis Grupė within 90 calendar days from the public announcement of this notification. The last day when the shares can be sold under the mandatory buyout is 17 August.
At the time of the mandatory buyout of shares, the Ignitis grupė offers the prices agreed with the Bank of Lithuania for the shares, which are the same as those paid during the non-competitive tender offers. At the time of the mandatory buyout, EUR 0.880 will be paid for one ESO share.
The buyout of ESO shares will be conducted on the Nasdaq Vilnius tender offer market in accordance with the rules of the Nasdaq Vilnius regulated market. Shareholders may give orders for their securities account manager, and those who do not have a securities account management agreement should apply to a securities account manager of their chose for such an agreement and submit an order to sell shares during the mandatory buyout. Orders can be submitted during the entire mandatory buyout. Transactions for the sold shares will be concluded during the last day of the mandatory buyout (August 17, 2020). Completed transactions will be settled on the second day following the conclusion of the transaction.
In the case the shareholders do not sell their shares of ESO by the end of the mandatory buyout, i.e. 17 August 2020, Ignitis Grupė, after having made payments to the deposit account of shareholders who did not sell shares, will acquire the right to apply to the court, requesting that the account managers of the shares make records on the transfer of ownership of shares to Ignitis Grupė.
Relevant information on share buy-out is published at https://www.ignitisgrupe.lt/en/delisting
More information: Tomas Kavaliauskas, spokesman, +370 617 51616, tomas.kavaliauskas@eso.lt