Notice to Convene the Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development and unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2020

Notice to Convene the Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development

The Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774, address: Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141, hereinafter the Company) will be held on the 18th of June 2020 at 12:00 at Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141.

In order to protect the health of all shareholders it is advisable to minimize the extent of physical gatherings. Therefore and in accordance with the § 2982 of the Commercial Code, the Management Board urges the shareholders to vote on the draft resolutions prepared in respect to the items on the agenda of the general meeting using electronic means prior to the general meeting, and not to participate the general meeting in person.

In order to vote using electronic means the shareholders are to fill in a voting ballot, which is attached to the notice on convening the general meeting and published on the website of the Company. The filled in ballot shall be signed digitally and sent to the Management Board by e-mail at by no later than on 17 June 2020 at 17:00.

The general meeting proceedings will be limited to voting on the draft resolutions.

The agenda of the General Meeting with the proposals of the Supervisory Board:

  1. Approval of the Annual Report 2019

Proposal of the Supervisory Board: To approve the Annual Report of the Company for 2019, which exposes the balance sheet value of 2 193 388 euros as at 31.12.2019 and the net profit of the financial year of 354 412 euros.

  1. 2019 profit allocation proposal

Proposal of the Supervisory Board: To transfer the consolidated net profit in the amount of 354 412 euros to the loss of previous periods.

  1. Appointment and remuneration principles of auditor for the financial year 2020

Proposal of the Supervisory Board: To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code: 10142876, address: Pärnu mnt 15, 10141 Tallinn) as the auditor of the Company for the financial year 2020. Public accounting services will be paid for in accordance with the contract to be drawn up with the auditor.

Documents related to the annual general meeting, including draft resolutions, will be available at the head office of the Company at Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn and on Company’s web site

At the Meeting, the shareholders are entitled to receive information on the activities of the Company from the Management Board. If the Management Board of the Company refuses to provide information, the shareholders may demand that the General Meeting decides on the legitimacy of their demand, or submit, within two weeks, an application to court in proceedings on petition to require the Management Board to provide the information.

Shareholders whose shares represent at least 1/20 of the share capital are entitled to present a draft resolution on each agenda item to the Company at least 3 days prior to the General Meeting, i.e. until 14th June, 2020, by submitting it in writing to e-mail address:

Shareholders whose shares represent at least 1/20 of the share capital are entitled to request the inclusion of additional items in the agenda of the General Meeting of the Company, provided that the request is submitted 15 days prior to the General Meeting at the latest, i.e. until 2nd June, 2020, by submitting it in writing to e-mail address:

As of the date of publishing of the announcement, the share capital of AS Trigon Property Development is 2 299 020.17 euros. The company has 4 499 061 shares and each share gives one vote.

The date of closing the list of shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting will be June 10 at 23:59.

Registration of the participants in the meeting will begin at 11:45 on the 18th of June 2020.

To register yourself as a participant in the general meeting, please present:
a shareholder who is a sole proprietor – an identity document
a representative of a shareholder who is a sole proprietor – an identity document and a written authorisation document
a representative of a shareholder who is a legal person – valid certified copy of the registry card (for legal persons in Estonia, certified no earlier than 7 days ago), which entitles the person to represent the shareholder, and an identity document of the representative, or an authorisation document prepared as required and an identity document of the representative. We request prior legalisation or apostille certification of documents of a legal person registered in a foreign country, unless stated otherwise in the international agreement. AS Trigon Property Development may register a shareholder who is a legal person of a foreign country as a participant in the general meeting also in case all required data on the legal person and the representative are included in the notarised authorisation document issued to the representative in a foreign country and the authorisation document is acceptable in Estonia. 
If a shareholder has deposited his/her shares on a nominee account, a respective certificate issued by the account administrator shall be submitted.
Please present your passport or identity card as an identification document.

A shareholder may notify the Company of the appointment of a representative or withdrawal of authorisation by a representative by submitting respective information to the Management Board of AS Trigon Property Development (in a digitally signed format which can be reproduced in writing on the following e-mail address:, or in writing by mail at the following address: AS Trigon Property Development, Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141, Estonia) no later than on 17th of June 2020.
For the appointment of a representative or withdrawal of authorisation by a representative, a shareholder may use the forms available on the website of AS Trigon Property Development

Unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2020

The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 31.03.2020, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 21  hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. An industrial and logistics park is planned to be developed on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots owned by the Company. The realisation of the value of the land is planned through the selling of land plots or through the development of real estate with the intention of creating a rental income-generating project.

In December 2019 the Company signed a preliminary agreement for selling 0.7-hectare property at the price of 78 000 euros. The real right contract is scheduled to be concluded at the end of May.

Condensed statement of financial position as of 31 March 2020 delivered by the present announcement completely reflects the assets, liabilities and equity capital of AS Trigon Property Development.

According to the condensed statement of comprehensive income the net loss for first quarter of 2020 of AS Trigon Property Development is -7,476 euros and the earnings per share  is -0.00166 EUR.

As of 31 March 2020 the assets of AS Trigon Property Development were 2,176,894 euros. The equity of the company was 2,135,985 euros, corresponding to 98.12 % of the total balance sheet.

Condensed statement of financial position

Receivables and prepayments10,8427,381
Total current assets140,894157,388
Investment property2,036,0002,036,000
Total non-current assets2,036,0002,036,000
TOTAL ASSETS2,176,8942,193,388
Payables and prepayments40,90949,927
Total current liabilities40,90949,927
Total liabilities40,90949,927
Share capital at book value2,299,0202,299,020
Share premium226,056226,056
Statutory reserve capital287,542287,542
Accumulated loss-676,633-669,157
Total equity2,135,9852,143,461

Condensed statement of comprehensive income

EUR1 Q 20201 Q 2019
Expenses related to investment property-4,260-2,156
Gross loss-4,260-2,156
Administrative and general expenses-3,220-3,390
Operating loss-7,480-5,546
Net financial income42

Management Board of AS Trigon Property Development
Telephone 6679 200, e-mail



2020 TPD Voting ballot_final TPD 2019 ENG 2020 I Q interim ENG