On May 29, 2020 AB “Linas” Board confirmed AB “Linas” consolidated interim financial reports of three months of year 2020 which are not checked by the auditors and prepared acc.to International financial accountability standards accepted by EU.
The sales incomes for January-March of year 2020 of AB “Linas” group of companies made 3.32 mln EUR. During the same period of year 2019 sales incomes were 3.19 mln EUR.
Loss before taxation of the three months of year 2020 of AB “Linas” group of companies –37.9 thou EUR. Group result for same period of year 2019 – 27.5 thou EUR profit.
Presenting confirmation of the responsible persons of AB “Linas” and interim consolidated not audited financial information of three months of year 2020.
AB “Linas” chief of finance
Egidijus Mikeliūnas
+370 45 506100