Maru Launches AI Unstructured Data Engine on Proprietary Technology Platform Maru/HUB to Combat Human Biases

TORONTO, June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maru Group (Maru), the global technology-enabled market research and customer insights company, has announced the launch of their next-generation unstructured data analytics tool, Maru/HUB Topic Modelling, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver better, more accurate results.

Ged Parton, CEO of Maru Group, comments, “Text analytics technology is a vital resource to analyzing the thousands of unstructured data points generated every day through customer feedback, reviews and service interactions. But too often, as researchers, we’re not utilizing these tools to their full potential, clouding the technology by creating our own structures and code-frames and, in essence, introducing our own human biases into the results.”

“Maru/HUB’s Topic Modelling tool uses machine-learning to automatically and accurately group relevant comments together into clusters without the need for user-defined rules and human biases. It empowers users and researchers to identify key themes, understand relationships between trends and uncover hidden patterns in data in just a matter of minutes.”

Powered by machine-learning algorithms alone, Maru/HUB’s Topic Modelling tool analyzes patterns within data to create clusters of common themes, using recognized similarities to assign meaningful data labels. The technology automatically works to remove punctation and peripheral terms to eliminate noise and deliver more accurate results.

Working in conjunction with world-renowned behavioural scientists at the University of Strathclyde, Maru/HUB’s Topic Modelling tool has been rigorously tested on large scale and has been proven to uncover new insights missed by traditional code-frame based textual analysis.

Steve Brockway, Chief Research Officer at Maru/Matchbox UK, and lead researcher on the project, explains, “It has been thrilling working with leading data scientists at The University of Strathclyde with truly cutting-edge AI technology and applying it. The technology is empowering better insights by uncovering new patterns in unstructured data, and at a faster rate than any human-machine partnership could. We have momentum in our R&D, our next step is to take machine-based learning and apply it to analysis approaches to better understand what’s driving certain behaviours instantaneously.”

Maru/HUB’s Topic Modelling is the latest innovation to be launched by Maru Group in recent months. It follows the launch of the company’s self-serve environment late last year, offering clients and users the opportunity to access Maru’s full range of capabilities directly, including the industry’s-first drag and drop Implicit Association Testing (IAT) interface.


Liana Vickery

About Maru Group

Maru is a technology-led insights provider.

We deliver expert analysis and the latest innovations in insight services through our proprietorial technology platform, Maru/HUB.

We have a fully flexible service model; delivering an experience to suit our clients’ requirements whether these be full serve, assisted serve or self-service; or a combination.

We have 3 separate, yet integrated, operating divisions.

Maru/Matchbox is our insights advisory business, delivering end-to-end behavioural research projects using the latest innovations in insight generation.

Maru/Blue is our industry-accredited sample and data services company, prioritizing known respondents to guarantee quality data.

Maru/HUB is our unique technology platform that underpins everything that we do.

About Maru/HUB

Maru/HUB is an instant access platform that gives you meaningful insights to fuel confident business decisions. Maru/HUB is a fully scalable technology platform. It can be used for projects of any size, from small, ad hoc projects to enterprise-wide programs. It is powered by AI with first-class ingestion capabilities.
Unlike other insights providers with bolt-on technologies, our team of experts has been building and developing our secure proprietary platform infrastructure for the last 15 years. The technology platform is ISO/IEC 27001 certified and adheres to the highest level of data security and compliance.

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