Results of Annual General Meeting

TORONTO, July 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.13.2, Xanadu Mines Ltd (ASX: XAM, TSX: XAM) (Xanadu or the Company) advises that that all resolutions considered at the Company’s Annual General Meeting, which was held today, were passed with the requisite majorities by way of a poll.

The resolutions and details of the proxy voting results are provided in the attached Proxy Summary in accordance with Section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

For further information, please contact:

Andrew Stewart                                                 Spencer Cole                                     
Chief Executive Officer                                      Chief Financial Officer                                     
M: +61 409 819 922                                           M: +61 434 047 987
E:            E:

This Announcement was authorised for release by Xanadu’s Board of Directors.