Update: BV Rating Coverage on Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce Scandal Over Oregon protests

Portland, Oregon, Aug. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Since the beginning of the summer, protests have caused a lot of issues in the United States. In the state of Oregon, a lot of frustration has boiled over into protests. What started as peaceful protests have turned into something entirely different, and as BV Rating covers this issue it has found that many people are looking for a better solution.  

One of the people who believes he has a better solution to this scandal is presidential contender Brock PierceHe believes that there was a failure to adequately address the underlying issues of police use of force that has only escalated protest issues in some locations, such as in Oregon. 

Not only was there continuing use of force against protests in Oregon, and unfortunately often against peaceful protest, but even after the focus on police activity in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing, there continue to be recent cases of police-involved shootings and killings of black men, plus instances where the police have reacted to peaceful demonstrations with uses of force.  In New York City, despite Mayor de Blasio’s pledge to stop aggression by the police, police have used force against demonstrators, NYPD vehicles drove into a gathering of demonstrators, and a police officer opened his car door while driving to hit a protestor.  Police officers in Minneapolis, Denver, Louisville, Philadelphia and Chicago have shot non-lethal weapons at or used pepper spray on journalists. The recent police shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, captured on videotape, of an unarmed black man getting into his car, firing shots into his back, in Kenosha, has incensed the local population.  

Instead of embracing the option Americans have for freedom of speech, some public officials instead have condemned the reactions many have had since the death of George Floyd in the early summer. Most of the protests over the last few months have stemmed from that incident, and the federal government, instead of trying to find common ground, instead has actively tried to stop protests from happening.

Too much involvement

Portland is a prime example of this failed strategy.  Once these protests began in Portland, Trump decided to deploy federal agents to those areas and allow them to use aggressive tactics to settle things down, despite the fact that local officials did not want federal forces in the area. It has been viewed by many that this was an overreaction and simply a contributor to many of the issues people protest. Instead of diffusing the situation, it is turned into more and more controversy.

Pierce feels during these protests, states’ rights are important, and these protests should be dealt with mainly by local authorities, who are in the best position to determine how to negotiate with all groups in their communities, and that it is a scandal that many localities are failing to find positive solutions.  

A call for a more levelheaded approach

The United States needs a leader at this point who is capable of approaching everything with a level head. Instead of settling on extreme ideals and remaining extremely polarizing, Pierce is read to work towards creating a better relationship between local law enforcement and the people they protect. There will always be differences between certain people who do not share the same ideals, but at this time Pierce believes it is critical to respond with compassion to the pent-up emotions concerning the excesses of police use of force.  

A vote for Pierce is a vote for the proper leadership needed to unify the country a bit more. 


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