JSHG Announces C1 JV Property Drill Results

WOODSTOCK, Ontario, Sept. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Joshua Gold Resources Inc. (OTC: JSHG) an American gold and mineral exploration company headquartered in Canada, home to the three-billion-year old Canadian Shield is pleased to announce results from drill hole J-11-20 that was completed on the C1 JV Property (“Property”) during the month of July 2020.

The Property is located approximately 115 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario. The Timmins area is one of the richest goldfields in the world, and over the past century has produced more gold than any mining region in Canada. Today, the city of Timmins, northern Ontario's third largest, remains one of Canada's major mining centers.

Drill hole number J-11-20, drilled to a depth of 263.00 m with a dip of -60 degrees to undercut the mineralization intersection in drill holes J-10-20 and J-10b-20. Drill holes J-10-20 and J-10b-20, drilled in February 2020, were collared at 378425E/5299845N, and drilled at an azimuth of 340 degrees and dip of -50 degrees. Drill hole J-10-20 was abandoned at 71.00 m due to ground conditions, and was re-started as J-10b-20 and drilled to a final depth of 206.00 m. Drill hole J-10b-20 intersected 1.53 g/t Au over a sampled length of 0.50 m from 152.80 to 153.30 m.

Drill hole J-11-20 intersected narrow zones of gold mineralization throughout the sampled sections. Highlights include:

  • 1.05 g/t Au over 0.30 m from 28.20 to 28.50 m
  • 3.14 g/t Au over 0.58 m from 31.98 to 32.56 m
  • 1.38 g/t Au over 0.50 m from 87.50 to 88.00 m

Gold mineralization is associated with narrow <1cm to 15 cm wide quartz-feldspar-ankerite veins hosted mainly within mafic volcanic rocks, but also within feldspar porphyritic dykes. Gold values show a strong association with pyrite content.

Additional infill sampling is currently being completed and will be made available once results have been received. 

Ben Fuschino, JSHG CEO, comments, "We are extremely pleased with the drilling results. Our Drilling and geology team will continue exploration on the C1 property during the fall season."

Significant results and Collar information for the drill hole are summarized below in Tables 1 and 2. 

Table 1: Collar Information

DDHEastingNorthingAzimuthDipLength (m)

Table 2: Summary of Diamond Drill Results

DDHFrom (m)To (m)Length (m)Au (g/t)

Note: Intervals reported in Table 2 represent core lengths and not true widths.
QA/QC Program Joshua implemented a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program for the recently completed diamond drilling program on the C1 JV Property.

Diamond drill core was logged, and where marked for sampling, split in half with a hydraulic splitter, with one half placed in a labelled sample bag, and the remaining half placed back into the core tray and stored in a secure location.. A blank and a standard were inserted in the assay sampling sequence alternating at every 10th sample. All samples were dropped off by a representative of Joshua to Activation Laboratories prep lab in North Bay, Ontario. Once the samples are received and dried at the laboratory, the samples are then crushed to 80% passing 10 mesh (2 mm) and then split into 250 gram sub-sample size using a Jones Riffle Splitter. These sub-samples are then pulverized (using rings and pucks to 90% passing 200 mesh (0.075 mm) and homogenized prior to analysis. Gold analysis is performed using a 30 g charge by fire assay using lead collection with a silver in quart (1A2 package). The lower detection limit is 5 ppb, and the upper detection limit is 5000 ppb for this analysis. A gravimetric finish (1A3 package) is completed for any samples that return greater than 5000 ppb that includes crushing of the entire sample to -150 mesh and subsequently sieved through a 150 mesh screen. The entire +150 mesh portion is assayed, along with two duplicate cuts of the -150 mesh portion. Results are reported as a calculated weighted average of gold in the entire sample.

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Joerg Kleinboeck, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

Joshua Gold Resources Inc. (OTC Pink: JSHG) a publicly traded American gold and mineral exploration company headquartered in Canada, home to the three-billion-year old Canadian Shield which contains a wealth of minerals from nickel, gold, copper, cobalt, niobium to chromium. Please visit http://www.joshuagoldresources.com/ for more information.

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Company ProfileJoshua Gold Resources Inc.Industry: Gold Mining